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§ 200501. Definitions - (1) At-risk youth recreation grant.— (A) In general.— The term...
§ 200502. Federal assistance - (a) Eligibility Determined by Secretary.— Eligibility of general purpose local...
§ 200503. Rehabilitation grants and innovation grants - (a) Matching Grants.— The Secretary may provide 70 percent matching...
§ 200504. Recovery action programs - (a) Evidence of Local Commitment to Ongoing Programs.— As a...
§ 200505. State action - (a) Additional Match.— The Secretary may increase rehabilitation grants or...
§ 200506. Non-Federal share of project costs - (a) Sources.— (1) Allowable sources.— The non-Federal share of project...
§ 200507. Conversion of recreation property - No property improved or developed with assistance under this chapter...
§ 200508. Coordination of program - (1) coordinate the urban park and recreation recovery program with...
§ 200509. Recordkeeping - (a) In General.— A recipient of assistance under this chapter...
§ 200510. Inapplicability of matching provisions - Amounts authorized for Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and...
§ 200511. Funding limitations - (a) Limitation of Funds.— The amount of grants made under...