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§ 152101. Definition - For purposes of this chapter, “State” includes the District of...
§ 152102. Organization - (a) Federal Charter.—National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum (in...
§ 152103. Purposes - (1) honoring citizens, mining leaders, miners, prospectors, teachers, scientists, engineers,...
§ 152104. Membership - Eligibility for membership in the corporation and the rights and...
§ 152105. Governing body - (a) Board of Directors.—The board of directors and the responsibilities...
§ 152106. Powers - The corporation has only the powers provided in its bylaws...
§ 152107. Restrictions - (a) Stock and Dividends.—The corporation may not issue stock or...
§ 152108. Duty to maintain corporate and tax-exempt status - (a) Corporate Status.—The corporation shall maintain its status as a...
§ 152109. Records and inspection - (a) Records.—The corporation shall keep—(1) correct and complete records of...
§ 152110. Service of process - The corporation shall comply with the law on service of...
§ 152111. Liability for acts of officers and agents - The corporation is liable for the acts of its officers...
§ 152112. Annual report - The corporation shall submit an annual report to Congress on...