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§ 104901. Central warehouses at System units - (a) Authority of Secretary.— The Secretary, in the administration of...
§ 104902. Services or other accommodations for public - The Secretary may contract for services or other accommodations provided...
§ 104903. Care, removal, and burial of indigents - The Secretary may provide, out of amounts appropriated for the...
§ 104904. Hire of work animals, vehicles, and equipment with or without personal services - The Secretary may hire, with or without personal services, work...
§ 104905. Preparation of mats for reproduction of photographs - The Secretary shall prepare mats that may be used for...
§ 104906. Protection of right of individuals to bear arms - (a) Findings.— Congress finds the following: (1) The 2d amendment...
§ 104907. Limitation on extension or establishment of national parks in Wyoming - No extension or establishment of national parks in Wyoming may...
§ 104908. Bows in parks - (a) Definition of Not Ready for Immediate Use.— The term...
§ 104909. Wildlife management in parks - (a) Use of Qualified Volunteers.— If the Secretary determines it...