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Section 531.471. Definition - Sec. 531.471. DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "council" means the statewide...
Section 531.472. Purpose - Sec. 531.472. PURPOSE. The council is established to ensure a...
Section 531.473. Composition of Council - Sec. 531.473. COMPOSITION OF COUNCIL. (a) The council is composed...
Section 531.474. Presiding Officer - Sec. 531.474. PRESIDING OFFICER. The mental health statewide coordinator shall...
Section 531.475. Meetings - Sec. 531.475. MEETINGS. The council shall meet at least once...
Section 531.476. Powers and Duties - Sec. 531.476. POWERS AND DUTIES. (a) The council: (1) shall...
Section 531.477. Suicide Prevention Subcommittee; Suicide Data Reports - Sec. 531.477. SUICIDE PREVENTION SUBCOMMITTEE; SUICIDE DATA REPORTS. (a) The...