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Section 85.381. Penalty for Violation of Laws, Rules, and Orders - Sec. 85.381. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF LAWS, RULES, AND ORDERS....
Section 85.382. Venue - Sec. 85.382. VENUE. The penalty provided in Section 85.381 of...
Section 85.383. Suit - Sec. 85.383. SUIT. By direction of the commission, the suit...
Section 85.3855. Administrative Penalty - Sec. 85.3855. ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. (a) The commission may impose an...
Section 85.386. Forging Names on Permits and Tenders - Sec. 85.386. FORGING NAMES ON PERMITS AND TENDERS. A person...
Section 85.387. Procuring Tenders and Permits - Sec. 85.387. PROCURING TENDERS AND PERMITS. A person shall be...
Section 85.388. Possessing a Forged Permit or Tender - Sec. 85.388. POSSESSING A FORGED PERMIT OR TENDER. Any person...
Section 85.389. Criminal Penalty - Sec. 85.389. CRIMINAL PENALTY. (a) A person who is not...