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Section 347.451. Registration of Certain Creditors - Sec. 347.451. REGISTRATION OF CERTAIN CREDITORS. (a) A creditor who...
Section 347.4515. Residential Mortgage Loan Originator License Required - Sec. 347.4515. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE LOAN ORIGINATOR LICENSE REQUIRED. (a) In...
Section 347.452. Acquisition and Transfer of Credit Transaction or Balance - Sec. 347.452. ACQUISITION AND TRANSFER OF CREDIT TRANSACTION OR BALANCE....
Section 347.453. Effect of Disclosure by One of Several Creditors - Sec. 347.453. EFFECT OF DISCLOSURE BY ONE OF SEVERAL CREDITORS....
Section 347.454. Disclosure if More Than One Consumer - Sec. 347.454. DISCLOSURE IF MORE THAN ONE CONSUMER. In a...
Section 347.455. Real Property in Credit Transaction - Sec. 347.455. REAL PROPERTY IN CREDIT TRANSACTION. (a) A creditor...