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Section 552.371. Certain Entities Required to Provide Contracting Information to Governmental Body in Connection With Request - Sec. 552.371. CERTAIN ENTITIES REQUIRED TO PROVIDE CONTRACTING INFORMATION TO...
Section 552.372. Bids and Contracts - Sec. 552.372. BIDS AND CONTRACTS. (a) A contract described by...
Section 552.373. Noncompliance With Provision of Subchapter - Sec. 552.373. NONCOMPLIANCE WITH PROVISION OF SUBCHAPTER. A governmental body...
Section 552.374. Termination of Contract for Noncompliance - Sec. 552.374. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT FOR NONCOMPLIANCE. (a) Subject to...
Section 552.375. Other Contract Provisions - Sec. 552.375. OTHER CONTRACT PROVISIONS. Nothing in this subchapter prevents...
Section 552.376. Cause of Action Not Created - Sec. 552.376. CAUSE OF ACTION NOT CREATED. This subchapter does...