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Section 342.401. Required Property Insurance - Sec. 342.401. REQUIRED PROPERTY INSURANCE. (a) On a loan that...
Section 342.402. Credit Life Insurance, Credit Health and Accident Insurance, or Involuntary Unemployment Insurance - Sec. 342.402. CREDIT LIFE INSURANCE, CREDIT HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE,...
Section 342.4021. Agreements Regarding Debt Suspension, Debt Cancellation, and Gap Waiver - Sec. 342.4021. AGREEMENTS REGARDING DEBT SUSPENSION, DEBT CANCELLATION, AND GAP...
Section 342.403. Maximum Amount of Insurance Coverage - Sec. 342.403. MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF INSURANCE COVERAGE. (a) At any...
Section 342.404. Insurance Notice - Sec. 342.404. INSURANCE NOTICE. (a) If insurance is required on...
Section 342.405. Insurance May Be Furnished by Borrower - Sec. 342.405. INSURANCE MAY BE FURNISHED BY BORROWER. (a) If...
Section 342.406. Borrower's Failure to Provide Required Insurance - Sec. 342.406. BORROWER'S FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INSURANCE. (a) If...
Section 342.407. Requirements for Including Insurance Charge in Contract - Sec. 342.407. REQUIREMENTS FOR INCLUDING INSURANCE CHARGE IN CONTRACT. Insurance...
Section 342.408. Furnishing of Insurance Document to Borrower - Sec. 342.408. FURNISHING OF INSURANCE DOCUMENT TO BORROWER. If a...
Section 342.409. Lender's Duty if Insurance Is Adjusted or Terminated - Sec. 342.409. LENDER'S DUTY IF INSURANCE IS ADJUSTED OR TERMINATED....
Section 342.410. Payment for Insurance From Loan Proceeds - Sec. 342.410. PAYMENT FOR INSURANCE FROM LOAN PROCEEDS. A lender,...
Section 342.411. Insurance or Other Gain Not Interest - Sec. 342.411. INSURANCE OR OTHER GAIN NOT INTEREST. Any gain...
Section 342.412. Action Under Subchapter Not Sale of Insurance - Sec. 342.412. ACTION UNDER SUBCHAPTER NOT SALE OF INSURANCE. Arranging...
Section 342.413. Required Agent or Broker Prohibited - Sec. 342.413. REQUIRED AGENT OR BROKER PROHIBITED. A lender may...
Section 342.414. Declination of Equal Insurance Coverage Prohibited - Sec. 342.414. DECLINATION OF EQUAL INSURANCE COVERAGE PROHIBITED. A lender...
Section 342.415. Effect of Unauthorized Insurance Charge - Sec. 342.415. EFFECT OF UNAUTHORIZED INSURANCE CHARGE. (a) If a...
Section 342.416. Nonfiling Insurance - Sec. 342.416. NONFILING INSURANCE. (a) Instead of charging fees for...