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Section 548.401. Certification Generally - Sec. 548.401. CERTIFICATION GENERALLY. A person may perform an inspection,...
Section 548.402. Application for Certification as Inspection Station - Sec. 548.402. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION AS INSPECTION STATION. (a) To...
Section 548.403. Approval and Certification as Inspection Station - Sec. 548.403. APPROVAL AND CERTIFICATION AS INSPECTION STATION. (a) The...
Section 548.4035. Entry Onto Premises - Sec. 548.4035. ENTRY ONTO PREMISES. (a) A member, employee, or...
Section 548.404. Application for Certification as Inspector - Sec. 548.404. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION AS INSPECTOR. An application for...
Section 548.4045. Bond Required for Certain Inspection Stations - Sec. 548.4045. BOND REQUIRED FOR CERTAIN INSPECTION STATIONS. (a) This...
Section 548.405. Denial, Revocation, or Suspension of Certificate - Sec. 548.405. DENIAL, REVOCATION, OR SUSPENSION OF CERTIFICATE. (a) The...
Section 548.4055. Rules Regarding Criminal Convictions - Sec. 548.4055. RULES REGARDING CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS. The commission shall adopt...
Section 548.407. Hearing on Denial, Revocation, or Suspension of Certificate - Sec. 548.407. HEARING ON DENIAL, REVOCATION, OR SUSPENSION OF CERTIFICATE....
Section 548.408. Judicial Review of Administrative Action - Sec. 548.408. JUDICIAL REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION. (a) A person...
Section 548.410. Expiration of Certificate - Sec. 548.410. EXPIRATION OF CERTIFICATE. A certificate issued to an...