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Section 85.201. Adoption of Rules and Orders - Sec. 85.201. ADOPTION OF RULES AND ORDERS. The commission shall...
Section 85.202. Purposes of Rules and Orders - Sec. 85.202. PURPOSES OF RULES AND ORDERS. (a) The rules...
Section 85.203. Considerations in Adopting Rules and Orders to Prevent Waste - Sec. 85.203. CONSIDERATIONS IN ADOPTING RULES AND ORDERS TO PREVENT...
Section 85.204. Prohibited Rules and Orders - Sec. 85.204. PROHIBITED RULES AND ORDERS. The commission is not...
Section 85.205. Notice and Hearing - Sec. 85.205. NOTICE AND HEARING. No rule or order pertaining...
Section 85.206. Emergency Order - Sec. 85.206. EMERGENCY ORDER. (a) If the commission finds an...