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Section 76.401. Oyster License Moratorium Program - Sec. 76.401. OYSTER LICENSE MORATORIUM PROGRAM. The department shall implement...
Section 76.402. Issuance and Renewal of Commercial Oyster Boat Licenses - Sec. 76.402. ISSUANCE AND RENEWAL OF COMMERCIAL OYSTER BOAT LICENSES....
Section 76.403. Oyster License Moratorium Review Board - Sec. 76.403. OYSTER LICENSE MORATORIUM REVIEW BOARD. (a) The holders...
Section 76.404. Program Administration; Rules - Sec. 76.404. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION; RULES. (a) The director shall establish...
Section 76.405. License Buyback Program - Sec. 76.405. LICENSE BUYBACK PROGRAM. (a) The department shall implement...
Section 76.406. Prevailing Authority - Sec. 76.406. PREVAILING AUTHORITY. A proclamation of the commission under...