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Section 71.151. Duration and Renewal of Certificate - Sec. 71.151. DURATION AND RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATE. (a) A certificate...
Section 71.152. Material Change in Information; New Certificate - Sec. 71.152. MATERIAL CHANGE IN INFORMATION; NEW CERTIFICATE. (a) Not...
Section 71.153. Abandonment of Use of Business or Professional Name - Sec. 71.153. ABANDONMENT OF USE OF BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL NAME....
Section 71.154. Index of Certificates - Sec. 71.154. INDEX OF CERTIFICATES. (a) The secretary of state...
Section 71.155. Filing Fees - Sec. 71.155. FILING FEES. (a) Except as provided by Subsection...
Section 71.156. Prescribed Forms - Sec. 71.156. PRESCRIBED FORMS. (a) The secretary of state may...
Section 71.157. Effect of Filing - Sec. 71.157. EFFECT OF FILING. (a) This chapter does not...
Section 71.158. Filing of Reproduction - Sec. 71.158. FILING OF REPRODUCTION. (a) The secretary of state...