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Section 15.20. Civil Suits by the State - Sec. 15.20. CIVIL SUITS BY THE STATE. (a) Suit to...
Section 15.21. Suits by Injured Persons or Governmental Entities - Sec. 15.21. SUITS BY INJURED PERSONS OR GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES. (a)...
Section 15.22. Criminal Suits - Sec. 15.22. CRIMINAL SUITS. (a) Every person, other than a...
Section 15.24. Judgment in Favor of the State Evidence in Action - Sec. 15.24. JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF THE STATE EVIDENCE IN...
Section 15.25. Limitation of Actions - Sec. 15.25. LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. (a) Any suit to recover...
Section 15.26. Jurisdiction - Sec. 15.26. JURISDICTION. Whenever any suit or petition is filed...