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Section 374.011. Resolution; Election - Sec. 374.011. RESOLUTION; ELECTION. (a) Except as provided by Section...
Section 374.012. Alternate Approval Process for Certain Projects - Sec. 374.012. ALTERNATE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR CERTAIN PROJECTS. (a) A...
Section 374.013. Use of Public or Private Resources - Sec. 374.013. USE OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE RESOURCES. (a) To...
Section 374.014. Municipal Urban Renewal Plan - Sec. 374.014. MUNICIPAL URBAN RENEWAL PLAN. (a) A municipality may...
Section 374.015. General Municipal Powers Relating to Urban Renewal - Sec. 374.015. GENERAL MUNICIPAL POWERS RELATING TO URBAN RENEWAL. (a)...
Section 374.016. Slum Clearance - Sec. 374.016. SLUM CLEARANCE. (a) In this section, "slum clearance...
Section 374.017. Disposition of Property - Sec. 374.017. DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY. (a) Subject to the covenants,...