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Section 143.021. Petition for Election - Sec. 143.021. PETITION FOR ELECTION. (a) In accordance with this...
Section 143.022. Election Orders - Sec. 143.022. ELECTION ORDERS. (a) After receiving a petition under...
Section 143.023. Election - Sec. 143.023. ELECTION. (a) If the election is not countywide,...
Section 143.024. Effect of Election; Adoption of Subchapter - Sec. 143.024. EFFECT OF ELECTION; ADOPTION OF SUBCHAPTER. (a) If...
Section 143.025. Subsequent Elections to Adopt Subchapter - Sec. 143.025. SUBSEQUENT ELECTIONS TO ADOPT SUBCHAPTER. (a) Except as...
Section 143.026. Repeal - Sec. 143.026. REPEAL. (a) The freeholders of a county or...
Section 143.027. Extension of Subchapter to Adjoining Area by Order - Sec. 143.027. EXTENSION OF SUBCHAPTER TO ADJOINING AREA BY ORDER....
Section 143.028. Fences - Sec. 143.028. FENCES. (a) A person is not required to...
Section 143.033. Injury to Trespassing Animal - Sec. 143.033. INJURY TO TRESPASSING ANIMAL. If a person whose...
Section 143.034. Penalty - Sec. 143.034. PENALTY. (a) A person commits an offense if...