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Section 545.051. HIV-Related Testing Authorized - Sec. 545.051. HIV-RELATED TESTING AUTHORIZED. An issuer may request or...
Section 545.052. Nondiscriminatory Basis Required - Sec. 545.052. NONDISCRIMINATORY BASIS REQUIRED. (a) An issuer that requests...
Section 545.053. Explanation and Authorization Required - Sec. 545.053. EXPLANATION AND AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED. (a) An issuer that...
Section 545.054. Inquiries Regarding Previous Tests - Sec. 545.054. INQUIRIES REGARDING PREVIOUS TESTS. (a) An issuer may...
Section 545.055. Notice of Positive Test Result; Fee - Sec. 545.055. NOTICE OF POSITIVE TEST RESULT; FEE. (a) An...
Section 545.056. Adverse Underwriting Decision; Test Protocol Rules - Sec. 545.056. ADVERSE UNDERWRITING DECISION; TEST PROTOCOL RULES. An issuer...
Section 545.057. Confidentiality of Test Result Required - Sec. 545.057. CONFIDENTIALITY OF TEST RESULT REQUIRED. (a) An HIV-related...