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Subchapter A. General Provisions
Section 57.001. Definitions - Sec. 57.001. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter and for purposes of...
Section 57.002. Appointment of Interpreter or Cart Provider; Cart Provider List - Sec. 57.002. APPOINTMENT OF INTERPRETER OR CART PROVIDER; CART PROVIDER...
Subchapter B. Interpreters for Hearing-Impaired Individuals
Section 57.021. Court Interpreter Certification Program - Sec. 57.021. COURT INTERPRETER CERTIFICATION PROGRAM. (a) The department shall...
Section 57.022. Certification; Rules - Sec. 57.022. CERTIFICATION; RULES. (a) The department shall certify an...
Section 57.023. Examinations - Sec. 57.023. EXAMINATIONS. (a) The department shall prepare examinations under...
Section 57.024. Duties of the Commissioner - Sec. 57.024. DUTIES OF THE COMMISSIONER. (a) The commissioner shall...
Section 57.025. Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Certificate - Sec. 57.025. DENIAL, SUSPENSION, OR REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATE. (a) The...
Section 57.026. Prohibited Acts - Sec. 57.026. PROHIBITED ACTS. A person may not interpret for...
Section 57.027. Criminal Offense; Administrative Penalty - Sec. 57.027. CRIMINAL OFFENSE; ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. (a) A person commits...