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Subchapter A. General Provisions
Section 538.002. Effect of Chapter; Authority of Commission - Sec. 538.002. EFFECT OF CHAPTER; AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION. This chapter...
Section 538.003. Rules - Sec. 538.003. RULES. The executive commissioner shall adopt rules necessary...
Subchapter B. Medicaid Quality Improvement Process to Assess Certain Clinical Initiatives
Section 538.051. Medicaid Quality Improvement Process - Sec. 538.051. MEDICAID QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROCESS. The commission shall, according...
Section 538.052. Solicitation of Suggestions for Clinical Initiatives - Sec. 538.052. SOLICITATION OF SUGGESTIONS FOR CLINICAL INITIATIVES. (a) Subject...
Section 538.053. Clinical Initiative Evaluation Process - Sec. 538.053. CLINICAL INITIATIVE EVALUATION PROCESS. The commission shall establish...
Section 538.054. Analysis of Clinical Initiatives - Sec. 538.054. ANALYSIS OF CLINICAL INITIATIVES. The commission shall conduct...
Section 538.055. Final Report on Clinical Initiative - Sec. 538.055. FINAL REPORT ON CLINICAL INITIATIVE. The commission shall...
Section 538.056. Internet Website - Sec. 538.056. INTERNET WEBSITE. The commission shall maintain an Internet...
Section 538.057. Action on Clinical Initiative by Commission - Sec. 538.057. ACTION ON CLINICAL INITIATIVE BY COMMISSION. After the...