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Subchapter A. General Provisions
Section 520.001. Definitions - Sec. 520.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Board" means the...
Section 520.003. Rules; Fees; Refunds - Sec. 520.003. RULES; FEES; REFUNDS. (a) The department may adopt...
Section 520.004. Department Responsibilities - Sec. 520.004. DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. The department has jurisdiction over the...
Section 520.005. Duty and Responsibilities of County Assessor-Collector - Sec. 520.005. DUTY AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF COUNTY ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR. (a) Each...
Section 520.006. Collection of Fees on Behalf of Another Assessor-Collector; Compensation of Assessor-Collector - Sec. 520.006. COLLECTION OF FEES ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR;...
Section 520.0061. Contracts Between Counties - Sec. 520.0061. CONTRACTS BETWEEN COUNTIES. (a) A county tax assessor-collector,...
Section 520.007. County Branch Offices - Sec. 520.007. COUNTY BRANCH OFFICES. (a) The commissioners court of...
Section 520.0071. Deputies - Sec. 520.0071. DEPUTIES. (a) The board by rule shall prescribe:...
Section 520.0075. Contracting Standards for Tax Assessor-Collector - Sec. 520.0075. CONTRACTING STANDARDS FOR TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR. (a) In this...
Section 520.0093. Lease of Computer Equipment - Sec. 520.0093. LEASE OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT. (a) The department may...
Section 520.010. Audit and Investigation Related to Registration and Titling Services - Sec. 520.010. AUDIT AND INVESTIGATION RELATED TO REGISTRATION AND TITLING...
Section 520.011. Audit of County Tax Assessor-Collector - Sec. 520.011. AUDIT OF COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR. The comptroller, in...
Subchapter B. Administrative Provisions
Section 520.015. Information Consolidation Study - Sec. 520.015. INFORMATION CONSOLIDATION STUDY. (a) In consultation with the...
Section 520.016. General Penalty - Sec. 520.016. GENERAL PENALTY. (a) A person commits an offense...
Subchapter C. Automated Registration and Titling System
Section 520.021. Rules and Policies - Sec. 520.021. RULES AND POLICIES. The department may adopt rules...
Section 520.022. Access to System - Sec. 520.022. ACCESS TO SYSTEM. The department has the sole...
Section 520.023. Training - Sec. 520.023. TRAINING. (a) The department shall implement a training...
Subchapter E. Motor Vehicle Title Services
Section 520.051. Definitions - Sec. 520.051. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Motor vehicle" has...
Section 520.052. Applicability - Sec. 520.052. APPLICABILITY. This subchapter applies to any motor vehicle...
Section 520.053. License Required - Sec. 520.053. LICENSE REQUIRED. A person may not act as...
Section 520.054. General License Application Requirements - Sec. 520.054. GENERAL LICENSE APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS. (a) An applicant for...
Section 520.055. Application Requirements: Corporation - Sec. 520.055. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: CORPORATION. In addition to the information...
Section 520.056. Application Requirements: Partnership - Sec. 520.056. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: PARTNERSHIP. In addition to the information...
Section 520.057. Records - Sec. 520.057. RECORDS. (a) A holder of a motor vehicle...
Section 520.058. Inspection of Records - Sec. 520.058. INSPECTION OF RECORDS. A motor vehicle title service...
Section 520.059. Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of License - Sec. 520.059. DENIAL, SUSPENSION, OR REVOCATION OF LICENSE. (a) The...
Section 520.060. License Renewal - Sec. 520.060. LICENSE RENEWAL. (a) A license issued under this...
Section 520.061. Criminal Penalty - Sec. 520.061. CRIMINAL PENALTY. (a) A person commits an offense...
Section 520.062. Injunction - Sec. 520.062. INJUNCTION. (a) A district attorney of the county...
Section 520.063. Exemptions - Sec. 520.063. EXEMPTIONS. The following persons and their agents are...