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Subchapter A. Confidentiality of Social Security Numbers
Section 501.001. Certain Uses of Social Security Number Prohibited - Sec. 501.001. CERTAIN USES OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER PROHIBITED. (a)...
Section 501.002. Certain Uses of Social Security Number Prohibited; Remedies - Sec. 501.002. CERTAIN USES OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER PROHIBITED; REMEDIES....
Subchapter B. Privacy Policy to Protect Social Security Numbers
Section 501.051. Inapplicability of Subchapter - Sec. 501.051. INAPPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter does not apply...
Section 501.052. Privacy Policy Necessary to Require Disclosure of Social Security Number - Sec. 501.052. PRIVACY POLICY NECESSARY TO REQUIRE DISCLOSURE OF SOCIAL...
Section 501.053. Civil Penalty; Injunction - Sec. 501.053. CIVIL PENALTY; INJUNCTION. (a) A person who violates...
Subchapter C. Other Restrictions to Protect Driver's License and Social Security Numbers
Section 501.101. Use of Consumer Driver's License or Social Security Number by Merchant or Certain Third Party - Sec. 501.101. USE OF CONSUMER DRIVER'S LICENSE OR SOCIAL SECURITY...
Section 501.1011. Sales Receipt Containing Driver's License Number Prohibited - Sec. 501.1011. SALES RECEIPT CONTAINING DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER PROHIBITED. A...
Section 501.102. Civil Penalty; Injunction - Sec. 501.102. CIVIL PENALTY; INJUNCTION. (a) A person who violates...