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Section 42.001. Ratification - Sec. 42.001. RATIFICATION. The Pecos River Compact, the text of...
Section 42.002. Original Copy - Sec. 42.002. ORIGINAL COPY. An original copy of the compact...
Section 42.003. Commissioner - Sec. 42.003. COMMISSIONER. The governor, with the advice and consent...
Section 42.004. Term of Office - Sec. 42.004. TERM OF OFFICE. The commissioner holds office for...
Section 42.005. Oath - Sec. 42.005. OATH. The commissioner shall take the constitutional oath...
Section 42.006. Compensation; Expenses - Sec. 42.006. COMPENSATION; EXPENSES. The commissioner is entitled to compensation...
Section 42.007. Employees; Administrative Expenses - Sec. 42.007. EMPLOYEES; ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES. The commissioner may employ engineering,...
Section 42.0071. Notice of Compact Meetings - Sec. 42.0071. NOTICE OF COMPACT MEETINGS. For informational purposes, the...
Section 42.008. Powers and Duties - Sec. 42.008. POWERS AND DUTIES. (a) The commissioner is responsible...
Section 42.009. Cooperation of Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission - Sec. 42.009. COOPERATION OF TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION. The...
Section 42.010. Text of Compact - Sec. 42.010. TEXT OF COMPACT. The Pecos River Compact reads...