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Section 123.001. Definitions - Sec. 123.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Commission" means the...
Section 123.0015. Beneficial Use - Sec. 123.0015. BENEFICIAL USE. (a) For the purposes of this...
Section 123.002. Ownership of Drill Cuttings Transferred for Treatment and Subsequent Beneficial Use - Sec. 123.002. OWNERSHIP OF DRILL CUTTINGS TRANSFERRED FOR TREATMENT AND...
Section 123.003. Responsibility in Tort - Sec. 123.003. RESPONSIBILITY IN TORT. A person who generates drill...
Section 123.004. Permit Copy Required - Sec. 123.004. PERMIT COPY REQUIRED. A permit holder who takes...
Section 123.005. Commission Rules, Permits, and Orders for Treatment and Beneficial Use - Sec. 123.005. COMMISSION RULES, PERMITS, AND ORDERS FOR TREATMENT AND...