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Chapter 271 - Rights of Parties to Choose Law Applicable to Certain Transactions
Section 271.001. Definition - Sec. 271.001. DEFINITION. In this chapter, "qualified transaction" means a...
Section 271.002. Substantially Similar or Related Transactions - Sec. 271.002. SUBSTANTIALLY SIMILAR OR RELATED TRANSACTIONS. For purposes of...
Section 271.003. Conflict-of-Laws Rules - Sec. 271.003. CONFLICT-OF-LAWS RULES. For purposes of this chapter, a...
Section 271.004. Determination of Reasonable Relation of Transaction to Particular Jurisdiction - Sec. 271.004. DETERMINATION OF REASONABLE RELATION OF TRANSACTION TO PARTICULAR...
Section 271.005. Law Governing Issue Relating to Qualified Transaction - Sec. 271.005. LAW GOVERNING ISSUE RELATING TO QUALIFIED TRANSACTION. (a)...
Section 271.006. Law Governing Interpretation or Construction of Agreement Relating to Qualified Transaction - Sec. 271.006. LAW GOVERNING INTERPRETATION OR CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT RELATING...
Section 271.007. Law Governing Validity or Enforceability of Term of Agreement Relating to Qualified Transaction - Sec. 271.007. LAW GOVERNING VALIDITY OR ENFORCEABILITY OF TERM OF...
Section 271.008. Applicability to Certain Real Property Transactions; Exceptions - Sec. 271.008. APPLICABILITY TO CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS; EXCEPTIONS. (a)...
Section 271.009. Exception: Marriage or Adoption - Sec. 271.009. EXCEPTION: MARRIAGE OR ADOPTION. Sections 271.004-271.007 do not...
Section 271.010. Exception: Decedent's Estate - Sec. 271.010. EXCEPTION: DECEDENT'S ESTATE. Sections 271.004-271.007 do not apply...
Section 271.011. Exception: Other Statute Specifying Governing Law - Sec. 271.011. EXCEPTION: OTHER STATUTE SPECIFYING GOVERNING LAW. Sections 271.004-271.007...
Chapter 272 - Law Applicable to Certain Construction Contracts
Section 272.0001. Definition - Sec. 272.0001. DEFINITION. In this chapter, "construction contract" means a...
Section 272.001. Voidable Contract Provision - Sec. 272.001. VOIDABLE CONTRACT PROVISION. (a) This section applies only...
Section 272.002. Inapplicability of Chapter - Sec. 272.002. INAPPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. This chapter does not apply...
Chapter 273 - Law or Forum Applicable to Certain Contracts for Disposition of Goods
Section 273.001. Contracts Subject to Chapter - Sec. 273.001. CONTRACTS SUBJECT TO CHAPTER. This chapter applies to...
Section 273.002. Notice of Applicable Law or Forum - Sec. 273.002. NOTICE OF APPLICABLE LAW OR FORUM. If a...
Section 273.003. Failure to Provide Notice - Sec. 273.003. FAILURE TO PROVIDE NOTICE. A contract provision that...
Chapter 274 - Law Applicable to Contract Made Over Internet
Section 274.001. Definition - Sec. 274.001. DEFINITION. In this chapter, "Internet" means the largest...
Section 274.002. Applicability of Chapter; Exception - Sec. 274.002. APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER; EXCEPTION. (a) Except as provided...
Section 274.003. State Law Governing Contract; Burden of Proof - Sec. 274.003. STATE LAW GOVERNING CONTRACT; BURDEN OF PROOF. (a)...
Section 274.004. Applicability of Other Law to Contract - Sec. 274.004. APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW TO CONTRACT. Section 1.031...