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Section 1. Expenses for Nonresident Witnesses - Sec. 1. EXPENSES FOR NONRESIDENT WITNESSES. (a) Every person subpoenaed...
Section 2. Amount of Reimbursement for Expenses - Sec. 2. AMOUNT OF REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES. Any person seeking...
Section 2A. Direct Payment of Transportation or Lodging Expenses - Sec. 2A. DIRECT PAYMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OR LODGING EXPENSES. If...
Section 3. Other Expenses - Sec. 3. OTHER EXPENSES. In addition to reimbursement or payment...
Section 4. Application and Approval by Judge - Sec. 4. APPLICATION AND APPROVAL BY JUDGE. A reimbursement to...
Section 5. Payment by State - Sec. 5. PAYMENT BY STATE. The Comptroller of Public Accounts,...
Section 6. Advance by State - Sec. 6. ADVANCE BY STATE. Funds required to be tendered...
Section 7. Advance by County - Sec. 7. ADVANCE BY COUNTY. The county in which a...
Section 8. Advance for Expenses for Witnesses of Indigent Defendant - Sec. 8. ADVANCE FOR EXPENSES FOR WITNESSES OF INDIGENT DEFENDANT....
Section 9. Limitations - Sec. 9. LIMITATIONS. A witness, when attached and conveyed by...