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Section 8-1-1 - Continuation of existing townships. - 8-1-1. Continuation of existing townships. The civil townships heretofore established...
Section 8-1-2 - Division of county into townships--Boundaries--Alterations. - 8-1-2. Division of county into townships--Boundaries--Alterations. The board of county...
Section 8-1-3 - Maximum size and minimum number of voters in civil township. - 8-1-3. Maximum size and minimum number of voters in civil...
Section 8-1-4 - Boundary descriptions recorded by county commissioners--Alterations in boundaries. - 8-1-4. Boundary descriptions recorded by county commissioners--Alterations in boundaries. A...
Section 8-1-5 - Organization of civil township on petition of voters. - 8-1-5. Organization of civil township on petition of voters. Whenever...
Section 8-1-6 - Name of organized township. - 8-1-6. Name of organized township. The township so organized shall...
Section 8-1-7 - Reorganization, division or merger of civil townships authorized. - 8-1-7. Reorganization, division or merger of civil townships authorized. Any...
Section 8-1-8 - Conditions for reorganization, division or merger of townships or of fractions of townships--Petition by voters. - 8-1-8. Conditions for reorganization, division or merger of townships or...
Section 8-1-9 - Hearing to consider proposed reorganization, division or merger of township or fraction of township--Notice. - 8-1-9. Hearing to consider proposed reorganization, division or merger of...
Section 8-1-10 - Election to decide reorganization, division, or merger of townships. - 8-1-10. Election to decide reorganization, division, or merger of townships....
Section 8-1-11 - Name of merged township or newly separated township. - 8-1-11. Name of merged township or newly separated township. Any...
Section 8-1-12 - First annual meeting in newly separated township. - 8-1-12. First annual meeting in newly separated township. The board...
Section 8-1-13 - Continuation of civil township from which separation made. - 8-1-13. Continuation of civil township from which separation made. The...
Section 8-1-14 - Adjustment of assets and indebtedness after division, reorganization or merger of townships. - 8-1-14. Adjustment of assets and indebtedness after division, reorganization or...
Section 8-1-15 - Board for adjustment and settlement after reorganization, division or merger of township. - 8-1-15. Board for adjustment and settlement after reorganization, division or...
Section 8-1-16 - First meeting of board of adjustment. - 8-1-16. First meeting of board of adjustment. The first meeting...
Section 8-1-17 - Powers of board of adjustment--Criteria for adjustment. - 8-1-17. Powers of board of adjustment--Criteria for adjustment. The board...
Section 8-1-18 - Filing of determination by board of adjustment--Binding effect. - 8-1-18. Filing of determination by board of adjustment--Binding effect. A...
Section 8-1-19 - Compensation of board of adjustment. - 8-1-19. Compensation of board of adjustment. Each member of the...
Section 8-1-20 - Petition for separation of village from civil township--Contents and number of signers. - 8-1-20. Petition for separation of village from civil township--Contents and...
Section 8-1-21 - Notice of consideration by county commissioners of petition for separation of village. - 8-1-21. Notice of consideration by county commissioners of petition for...
Section 8-1-22 - Hearing by county commissioners on separation of village from township--Decision and determination of boundaries. - 8-1-22. Hearing by county commissioners on separation of village from...
Section 8-1-23 - Petition and election on abolition of township organization. - 8-1-23. Petition and election on abolition of township organization. Except...
Section 8-1-23.1 - Waiting period for filing petition of abolition. - 8-1-23.1. Waiting period for filing petition of abolition. No petition...
Section 8-1-24 - Abolition of township organization on approval by voters--Abstract of votes--Delivery of township property to county auditor. - 8-1-24. Abolition of township organization on approval by voters--Abstract of...
Section 8-1-25 - Deposit of money and property after abolition of township organization. - 8-1-25. Deposit of money and property after abolition of township...
Section 8-1-26 - Payment of indebtedness after abolition of township organization--Disposition of property--Tax levy for outstanding indebtedness. - 8-1-26. Payment of indebtedness after abolition of township organization--Disposition of...
Section 8-1-27 - Surplus funds expended for road work after abolition of township organization. - 8-1-27. Surplus funds expended for road work after abolition of...
Section 8-1-28 - Township with real property or bonded indebtedness not permitted to abolish organization. - 8-1-28. Township with real property or bonded indebtedness not permitted...
Section 8-1-29 - Reestablishment of township--Reestablishment defined. - 8-1-29. Reestablishment of township--Reestablishment defined. Any township may be reestablished...
Section 8-1-30 - Reestablishment of township proposed by county commissioners or petition of voters. - 8-1-30. Reestablishment of township proposed by county commissioners or petition...
Section 8-1-31 - Public hearing on reestablishment of township--Notice. - 8-1-31. Public hearing on reestablishment of township--Notice. If one of...
Section 8-1-32 - Election on reestablishment of township. - 8-1-32. Election on reestablishment of township. Following the hearing required...