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Section 59-11-1 - Short title. - 59-11-1. Short title. This chapter may be cited as the...
Section 59-11-2 - Definition of terms. - 59-11-2. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 59-11-3 - Filing fees. - 59-11-3. Filing fees. The secretary of state shall collect the...
Section 59-11-4 - Copying and certification fees. - 59-11-4. Copying and certification fees. The secretary of state shall...
Section 59-11-5 - Addresses in filings. - 59-11-5. Addresses in filings. Whenever a provision of this chapter...
Section 59-11-6 - Appointment of registered agent. - 59-11-6. Appointment of registered agent. A registered agent filing must...
Section 59-11-7 - Listing of commercial registered agent. - 59-11-7. Listing of commercial registered agent. An individual or a...
Section 59-11-8 - Index of commercial registered agent listing statements. - 59-11-8. Index of commercial registered agent listing statements. The secretary...
Section 59-11-9 - Termination of listing of commercial registered agent. - 59-11-9. Termination of listing of commercial registered agent. A commercial...
Section 59-11-10 - Service of process until new registered agent is appointed. - 59-11-10. Service of process until new registered agent is appointed....
Section 59-11-11 - Change of registered agent by entity. - 59-11-11. Change of registered agent by entity. A represented entity...
Section 59-11-12 - Change of name or address by noncommercial registered agent. - 59-11-12. Change of name or address by noncommercial registered agent....
Section 59-11-13 - Change of name, address, or type of organization by commercial registered agent. - 59-11-13. Change of name, address, or type of organization by...
Section 59-11-14 - Cancellation of listing for failure to file statement of change of address. - 59-11-14. Cancellation of listing for failure to file statement of...
Section 59-11-15 - Resignation of registered agent. - 59-11-15. Resignation of registered agent. A registered agent may resign...
Section 59-11-16 - Service of process on entities. - 59-11-16. Service of process on entities. A registered agent is...
Section 59-11-17 - Alternative service of process. - 59-11-17. Alternative service of process. If process, notice, or demand...
Section 59-11-18 - Forms of service. - 59-11-18. Forms of service. Service of process, notice, or demand...
Section 59-11-19 - Perfection of service. - 59-11-19. Perfection of service. Service of process, notice, or demand...
Section 59-11-20 - Duties of registered agent. - 59-11-20. Duties of registered agent. The only duties under this...
Section 59-11-21 - Jurisdiction and venue. - 59-11-21. Jurisdiction and venue. The appointment or maintenance in this...
Section 59-11-22 - Consistency of application. - 59-11-22. Consistency of application. In applying and construing this chapter,...
Section 59-11-23 - Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. - 59-11-23.Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act....
Section 59-11-24 - Annual report. - 59-11-24. Annual report. Each filing entity or qualified foreign entity,...
Section 59-11-24.1 - Voluntary disclosure of beneficial interests. - 59-11-24.1. Voluntary disclosure of beneficial interests. In addition to filing...
Section 59-11-25 - Time for filing annual report. - 59-11-25. Time for filing annual report. The first annual report...
Section 59-11-26 - Correction of annual report. - 59-11-26. Correction of annual report. If an annual report does...
Section 59-11-27 - Civil penalty for false documents. - 59-11-27. Civil penalty for false documents. No person may execute...
Section 59-11-28 - Submission by electronic means. - 59-11-28. Submission by electronic means. Any annual report, statement of...