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Section 59-7-1 - Acts constituting termination. - 59-7-1. Acts constituting termination. An agency is terminated as to...
Section 59-7-2 - Termination where power of agent not coupled with an interest. - 59-7-2. Termination where power of agent not coupled with an...
Section 59-7-2.1 - Principal--Designation--Healthcare. - 59-7-2.1. Principal--Designation--Healthcare. Notwithstanding ยง59-7-2, a principal may designate another as...
Section 59-7-2.4 - Nomination--Health care--Guardian--Conservator. - 59-7-2.4. Nomination--Health care--Guardian--Conservator. A principal may nominate by a durable...
Section 59-7-2.5 - Health care decisions by agent. - 59-7-2.5. Health care decisions by agent. The attorney-in-fact or agent...
Section 59-7-2.6 - Physician's determination of principal's decisional capacity. - 59-7-2.6. Physician's determination of principal's decisional capacity. The attorney-in-fact or...
Section 59-7-2.7 - Comfort care required--Conditions for withdrawal of artificial nutrition or hydration. - 59-7-2.7. Comfort care required--Conditions for withdrawal of artificial nutrition or...
Section 59-7-2.8 - Artificial nutrition and hydration for pregnant woman--Certification by physicians. - 59-7-2.8. Artificial nutrition and hydration for pregnant woman--Certification by physicians....
Section 59-7-8 - Immunity. - 59-7-8. Immunity. A physician or other health care provider as...
Section 59-7-9 - Acts pursuant to durable power of attorney--Absent termination provision, authority not affected by time lapse since execution of instrument. - 59-7-9. Acts pursuant to durable power of attorney--Absent termination provision,...
Section 59-7-11 - Appointment of guardian terminates power of attorney. - 59-7-11. Appointment of guardian terminates power of attorney. If, after...