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Section 58-37A-1 - Fraternal benefit society defined. - 58-37A-1. Fraternal benefit society defined. Any incorporated society, order, or...
Section 58-37A-2 - Lodge system--Regular meetings--Lodges for children. - 58-37A-2. Lodge system--Regular meetings--Lodges for children. A society is operating...
Section 58-37A-3 - Representative form of government determined. - 58-37A-3. Representative form of government determined. A society has a...
Section 58-37A-4 - Definition of terms. - 58-37A-4. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 58-37A-5 - Benefits and purposes of society--Power to adopt laws and rules for governing the society. - 58-37A-5. Benefits and purposes of society--Power to adopt laws and...
Section 58-37A-6 - Specification of laws or rules--Membership rights. - 58-37A-6. Specification of laws or rules--Membership rights. A society shall...
Section 58-37A-7 - Location of office and meetings--Official publication--Annual synopsis--Grievance procedures provided. - 58-37A-7. Location of office and meetings--Official publication--Annual synopsis--Grievance procedures provided....
Section 58-37A-8 - Liability of officers and members of governing body--Indemnification and reimbursement--Insurance--Liability of noncompensated member. - 58-37A-8. Liability of officers and members of governing body--Indemnification and...
Section 58-37A-9 - Provisions of laws may not be waived. - 58-37A-9. Provisions of laws may not be waived. The laws...
Section 58-37A-10 - Procedure for formation of a society--Transaction by unincorporated society is a misdemeanor. - 58-37A-10. Procedure for formation of a society--Transaction by unincorporated society...
Section 58-37A-11 - Amendments to society laws--Adoption--Filing--Printing as prima facie evidence. - 58-37A-11. Amendments to society laws--Adoption--Filing--Printing as prima facie evidence. A...
Section 58-37A-12 - Nonprofit organization created by society. - 58-37A-12. Nonprofit organization created by society. A society may create,...
Section 58-37A-13 - Reinsurance agreement--Ceding risks. - 58-37A-13. Reinsurance agreement--Ceding risks. A domestic society may, by a...
Section 58-37A-14 - Consolidation or merger. - 58-37A-14. Consolidation or merger. A domestic society may consolidate or...
Section 58-37A-15 - Conversion into life insurance company--Plan--Approval. - 58-37A-15. Conversion into life insurance company--Plan--Approval. Any fraternal benefit society...
Section 58-37A-16 - Contractual benefits allowed. - 58-37A-16. Contractual benefits allowed. A society may provide the following...
Section 58-37A-17 - Beneficiary designations--Funeral benefits. - 58-37A-17. Beneficiary designations--Funeral benefits. The owner of a benefit contract...
Section 58-37A-18 - Money or other benefits not attachable for individual debts. - 58-37A-18. Money or other benefits not attachable for individual debts....
Section 58-37A-19 - Benefit certificates. - 58-37A-19. Benefit certificates. Every society authorized to do business in...
Section 58-37A-20 - Basis for computing value of nonforfeiture benefits. - 58-37A-20. Basis for computing value of nonforfeiture benefits. For certificates...
Section 58-37A-21 - Authorized investments. - 58-37A-21. Authorized investments. A society shall invest its funds only...
Section 58-37A-22 - Permissible use of assets and special funds--Establishing separate accounts and issuing contracts. - 58-37A-22. Permissible use of assets and special funds--Establishing separate accounts...
Section 58-37A-23 - Exemption from other insurance laws. - 58-37A-23. Exemption from other insurance laws. Except as provided in...
Section 58-37A-24 - Exemption from certain taxes. - 58-37A-24. Exemption from certain taxes. Every society organized or licensed...
Section 58-37A-25 - Standards of valuation for certificates--Maintenance of excess reserves. - 58-37A-25. Standards of valuation for certificates--Maintenance of excess reserves. Any...
Section 58-37A-26 - Annual statement of affairs--Valuation of certificates--Filing requirements. - 58-37A-26. Annual statement of affairs--Valuation of certificates--Filing requirements. Every society...
Section 58-37A-27 - License to transact business--Annual expiration and renewal--License fee--Copy of license as evidence. - 58-37A-27. License to transact business--Annual expiration and renewal--License fee--Copy of...
Section 58-37A-28 - Examination of domestic, foreign, and alien societies--Requirements--Responsibility for expenses--Report of examination. - 58-37A-28. Examination of domestic, foreign, and alien societies--Requirements--Responsibility for expenses--Report...
Section 58-37A-29 - Foreign or alien society--Qualifications and procedure for admission to transact business in state. - 58-37A-29. Foreign or alien society--Qualifications and procedure for admission to...
Section 58-37A-33 - Insurance producers--When license is required. - 58-37A-33. Insurance producers--When license is required. Any insurance producer of...
Section 58-37A-34 - Applicability of unfair trade prohibitions--Determination of membership requirements and to whom benefits offered. - 58-37A-34. Applicability of unfair trade prohibitions--Determination of membership requirements and...
Section 58-37A-35 - Appointment of director as attorney for service of process--Copy forwarded to secretary of society--Time for filing answer--Fee paid by plaintiff. - 58-37A-35. Appointment of director as attorney for service of process--Copy...
Section 58-37A-36 - Fraudulent statements, and soliciting membership in unlicensed societies as crimes. - 58-37A-36. Fraudulent statements, and soliciting membership in unlicensed societies as...
Section 58-37A-37 - Judicial review of actions of director. - 58-37A-37. Judicial review of actions of director. All decisions and...
Section 58-37A-38 - Exempt societies--Allowance of compensation for procuring new members prohibited--Director to determine exemption--Exempt societies not subject to insurance laws. - 58-37A-38. Exempt societies--Allowance of compensation for procuring new members prohibited--Director...
Section 58-37A-38.1 - Inapplicability of subdivision 58-37A-38(2) to certain societies, orders, and associations. - 58-37A-38.1. Inapplicability of subdivision 58-37A-38(2) to certain societies, orders, and...
Section 58-37A-39 - Application of other provisions. - 58-37A-39. Application of other provisions. In addition to the provisions...