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Section 58-30-1.1 - "Excess business" defined. - 58-30-1.1. Excess business defined. Excess business is that portion of...
Section 58-30-6 - Appointment of insurance producer by insurer--Filing with director--Statement of kinds of insurance to be transacted--Payment of fee--Reasons for denying appointment. - 58-30-6. Appointment of insurance producer by insurer--Filing with director--Statement of...
Section 58-30-8.1 - Notice required for termination of agency contract for fire and casualty lines--Extension of coverage on previous policies. - 58-30-8.1. Notice required for termination of agency contract for fire...
Section 58-30-8.2 - Notice requirements inapplicable to exclusive agencies or termination for cause. - 58-30-8.2. Notice requirements inapplicable to exclusive agencies or termination for...
Section 58-30-9 - Rights of insurance producer following termination of appointment. - 58-30-9. Rights of insurance producer following termination of appointment. Following...
Section 58-30-10 - Rights of insurance producer after termination of appointment inapplicable to employer and employee relationship. - 58-30-10. Rights of insurance producer after termination of appointment inapplicable...
Section 58-30-20 - Licensing provisions inapplicable to title insurance. - 58-30-20. Licensing provisions inapplicable to title insurance. The provisions of...
Section 58-30-23.6 - Criminal files check. - 58-30-23.6. Criminal files check. For the purposes of §58-30-23.7 and...
Section 58-30-23.7 - Joint issuance of waivers. - 58-30-23.7.Joint issuance of waivers. The division may participate with the...
Section 58-30-27 - Licenses to insurance producers of domestic insurer insuring members of armed forces and dependents outside territorial limits. - 58-30-27. Licenses to insurance producers of domestic insurer insuring members...
Section 58-30-29 - License not issued in trade name--Exception as to firm or corporation. - 58-30-29. License not issued in trade name--Exception as to firm...
Section 58-30-31 - Firms and corporations--Business within scope of agreement or articles of incorporation. - 58-30-31. Firms and corporations--Business within scope of agreement or articles...
Section 58-30-33 - Changes in personnel employed by firm--Notice to director. - 58-30-33. Changes in personnel employed by firm--Notice to director. A...
Section 58-30-52 - Exemption from examination requirements. - 58-30-52. Exemption from examination requirements. No examination is required of:...
Section 58-30-54 - Information to applicants as to subjects covered and reference sources. - 58-30-54. Information to applicants as to subjects covered and reference...
Section 58-30-58 - Failure to pass examination--Waiting period for re-examination. - 58-30-58. Failure to pass examination--Waiting period for re-examination. The director...
Section 58-30-68 - Limited lines insurance producer's license--Types of insurance. - 58-30-68. Limited lines insurance producer's license--Types of insurance. The director...
Section 58-30-69 - Examination not required for travel insurance. - 58-30-69. Examination not required for travel insurance. Applicants for limited...
Section 58-30-73 - Refusal of temporary license where purpose unlawful. - 58-30-73. Refusal of temporary license where purpose unlawful. The director...
Section 58-30-74 - Renewal of license or appointment--Fee. - 58-30-74. Renewal of license or appointment--Fee. Each license or appointment...
Section 58-30-74.1 - Continuing appointments--Annual renewal fee. - 58-30-74.1. Continuing appointments--Annual renewal fee. Any insurance producer's appointment not...
Section 58-30-74.2 - Renewal of license by business entity. - 58-30-74.2. Renewal of license by business entity. Each business entity...
Section 58-30-74.3 - Lapsing and reinstatement of license. - 58-30-74.3. Lapsing and reinstatement of license. Failure to file a...
Section 58-30-74.4 - Designation of individual licensed insurance producer in business entity renewal application. - 58-30-74.4. Designation of individual licensed insurance producer in business entity...
Section 58-30-84 - Travel insurance vending machines, approval by director. - 58-30-84. Travel insurance vending machines, approval by director. An insurance...
Section 58-30-88 - Premiums received by agent as trust funds--Accounting and payment. - 58-30-88. Premiums received by agent as trust funds--Accounting and payment....
Section 58-30-89 - Misappropriation of funds by agent as theft. - 58-30-89. Misappropriation of funds by agent as theft. Any agent...
Section 58-30-90 - Deposit of trust funds in separate account--Records and account. - 58-30-90. Deposit of trust funds in separate account--Records and account....
Section 58-30-91 - Records to be maintained by insurance producer--Violation as misdemeanor. - 58-30-91. Records to be maintained by insurance producer--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 58-30-92 - Companies prohibited from issuing policy in this state except through licensed agent--Violation as misdemeanor. - 58-30-92. Companies prohibited from issuing policy in this state except...
Section 58-30-93 - Suspension or revocation of certificate for unauthorized issuance of policies. - 58-30-93. Suspension or revocation of certificate for unauthorized issuance of...
Section 58-30-95 - Director as attorney for service of process on nonresident insurance producer. - 58-30-95. Director as attorney for service of process on nonresident...
Section 58-30-96 - Duration of appointment of director as attorney for service of process. - 58-30-96. Duration of appointment of director as attorney for service...
Section 58-30-97 - Service on director of process against nonresident insurance producer--Fee. - 58-30-97. Service on director of process against nonresident insurance producer--Fee....
Section 58-30-98 - Receipt by director of process against nonresident insurance producer--Copy mailed to defendant. - 58-30-98. Receipt by director of process against nonresident insurance producer--Copy...
Section 58-30-99 - Director's record of process against nonresident insurance producers. - 58-30-99. Director's record of process against nonresident insurance producers. The...
Section 58-30-108 - Suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew one license affects all other licenses of licensee. - 58-30-108. Suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew one license affects...
Section 58-30-110 - Suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew license--Notice by director. - 58-30-110. Suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew license--Notice by director....
Section 58-30-111 - Waiting period for new license after revocation. - 58-30-111. Waiting period for new license after revocation. The director...
Section 58-30-112 - Licenses are property of South Dakota--Delivery to director on termination. - 58-30-112. Licenses are property of South Dakota--Delivery to director on...
Section 58-30-113 - Affidavit as to lost, stolen, or destroyed license. - 58-30-113. Affidavit as to lost, stolen, or destroyed license. As...
Section 58-30-114 - Continuing education requirements--Definitions. - 58-30-114. Continuing education requirements--Definitions. Terms, as used in §§58-30-114 to...
Section 58-30-115 - Continuing education requirements--Exceptions. - 58-30-115. Resident insurance producers--Continuing education requirements--Exceptions. The provisions of §§58-30-114...
Section 58-30-115.1 - Renewal of license by persons over age sixty-five. - 58-30-115.1. Renewal of license by persons over age sixty-five. Any...
Section 58-30-115.2 - Renewal of limited or restricted licenses. - 58-30-115.2. Renewal of limited or restricted licenses. Any licensee meeting...
Section 58-30-116 - Continuing education requirements--Minimum requirements--Furnishing evidence of completion. - 58-30-116. Minimum continuing education requirements--Furnishing evidence of completion. Biennially, beginning...
Section 58-30-117 - Continuing education requirements--Rules. - 58-30-117. Continuing education rules. The director of the Division of...
Section 58-30-118 - Continuing education requirements--Approval of programs--Certification of hours. - 58-30-118. Continuing education activities--Approval by director--Hours certified by director. The...
Section 58-30-119 - Continuing education requirements--Extension of time. - 58-30-119. Extension of time for completing continuing education requirements. For...
Section 58-30-120 - Continuing education requirements--Prerequisite for license issuance or renewal--Exemptions. - 58-30-120. Continuing education prerequisite for license issuance or renewal--Exemptions. The...
Section 58-30-121 - Continuing education requirements--Additional fee for renewal of license. - 58-30-121. Additional fee for renewal of license. The Division of...
Section 58-30-122 - Conduct of sponsors and instructors--Approval or disapproval by director--Rules. - 58-30-122. Conduct of sponsors and instructors--Approval or disapproval by director--Rules....
Section 58-30-123 - Director's action upon violation or nonconformity by sponsor or instructor. - 58-30-123. Director's action upon violation or nonconformity by sponsor or...
Section 58-30-124 - Definition of terms. - 58-30-124. Definition of terms. Terms as used in §§58-30-124 to...
Section 58-30-125 - Persons not managing general agents. - 58-30-125. Persons not managing general agents. The following persons are...
Section 58-30-126 - License required--Bond or errors and omissions policy. - 58-30-126. License required--Bond or errors and omissions policy. No person...
Section 58-30-127 - Written contract between managing general agent and insurer. - 58-30-127. Written contract between managing general agent and insurer. No...
Section 58-30-128 - Settling claims--Content of contract. - 58-30-128. Settling claims--Content of contract. If the managing general agent...
Section 58-30-129 - Sharing interim profits. - 58-30-129. Sharing interim profits. If the contract provides for a...
Section 58-30-130 - Restrictions on managing general agents. - 58-30-130. Restrictions on managing general agents. A managing general agent...
Section 58-30-131 - Duties of insurer working with managing general agent. - 58-30-131. Duties of insurer working with managing general agent. The...
Section 58-30-132 - Acts of managing general agent--Examination by director--Costs. - 58-30-132. Acts of managing general agent--Examination by director--Costs. The acts...
Section 58-30-133 - Penalties for violation by managing general agent. - 58-30-133. Penalties for violation by managing general agent. If the...
Section 58-30-134 - Rights of policyholders, claimants, and auditors. - 58-30-134. Rights of policyholders, claimants, and auditors. Nothing contained in...
Section 58-30-135 - Rules for implementation and administration of §§ 58-30-124 to 58-30-139. - 58-30-135. Rules for implementation and administration of §§58-30-124 to 58-30-139....
Section 58-30-136 - Utilization of managing general agent after July 1, 1992. - 58-30-136. Utilization of managing general agent after July 1, 1992....
Section 58-30-137 - Filing and approval of contract. - 58-30-137. Filing and approval of contract. The contract between the...
Section 58-30-138 - Application of §§ 58-30-124 to 58-30-139. - 58-30-138. Application of §§58-30-124 to 58-30-139. Sections 58-30-124 to 58-30-139,...
Section 58-30-139 - "Qualified United States financial institution" defined. - 58-30-139. Qualified United States financial institution defined. The term, a...
Section 58-30-140 - Agents not to obtain loans from clients--Exceptions. - 58-30-140. Agents not to obtain loans from clients--Exceptions. No insurance...
Section 58-30-141 - Application of reciprocity provisions to surplus lines brokers. - 58-30-141. Application of reciprocity provisions to surplus lines brokers. Except...
Section 58-30-142 - Definitions. - 58-30-142. Definitions. Terms used in §§58-30-141 to 58-30-195, inclusive, and...
Section 58-30-143 - Sale, solicitation or negotiation limited to licensed line of insurance only. - 58-30-143. Sale, solicitation or negotiation limited to licensed line of...
Section 58-30-144 - License not required under certain circumstances. - 58-30-144. License not required under certain circumstances. Nothing in §§58-30-141...
Section 58-30-144.1 - License required for acting as consultant. - 58-30-144.1. License required for acting as consultant. Any person acting...
Section 58-30-145 - Written examination required for resident applicants. - 58-30-145. Written examination required for resident applicants. A resident individual...
Section 58-30-146 - Arrangements for administration of examinations and collection of fee. - 58-30-146. Arrangements for administration of examinations and collection of fee....
Section 58-30-147 - Payment of examination fees required. - 58-30-147. Payment of examination fees required. Each individual applying for...
Section 58-30-148 - Resident application for insurance producer license--Requirements for application. - 58-30-148. Resident application for insurance producer license--Requirements for application. A...
Section 58-30-149 - Application by business entity for insurance producer license--Requirements. - 58-30-149. Application by business entity for insurance producer license--Requirements. A...
Section 58-30-150 - Verification of application information. - 58-30-150. Verification of application information. The director may require any...
Section 58-30-150.1 - Incomplete application--Deemed withdrawn--Not a refusal or reportable administrative action. - 58-30-150.1. Incomplete application--Deemed withdrawn--Not a refusal or reportable administrative action....
Section 58-30-151 - Program of instruction required for licensed insurance producers--Approval by director. - 58-30-151. Program of instruction required for licensed insurance producers--Approval by...
Section 58-30-152 - Issuance of insurance producer license--Permitted lines of authority. - 58-30-152. Issuance of insurance producer license--Permitted lines of authority. Unless...
Section 58-30-153 - Term of insurance producer license. - 58-30-153. Term of insurance producer license. An insurance producer license...
Section 58-30-154 - Reinstatement of lapsed insurance producer license. - 58-30-154. Reinstatement of lapsed insurance producer license. An individual insurance...
Section 58-30-155 - Waiver of insurance producer license renewal requirements. - 58-30-155. Waiver of insurance producer license renewal requirements. A licensed...
Section 58-30-156 - Information contained on insurance producer license. - 58-30-156. Information contained on insurance producer license. The license shall...
Section 58-30-157 - Notification of change of address by insurance producer. - 58-30-157. Notification of change of address by insurance producer. A...
Section 58-30-158 - Authority of director to contract with nongovernmental entities for ministerial functions relating to insurance producer licensing. - 58-30-158. Authority of director to contract with nongovernmental entities for...
Section 58-30-159 - Requirements for nonresident insurance producer license. - 58-30-159. Requirements for nonresident insurance producer license. Unless denied licensure...
Section 58-30-160 - Nonresident insurance producer required to hold equivalent license in home state. - 58-30-160. Nonresident insurance producer required to hold equivalent license in...
Section 58-30-161 - Verification of nonresident's licensing status. - 58-30-161. Verification of nonresident's licensing status. The director may verify...
Section 58-30-162 - Change of address required for interstate move. - 58-30-162. Change of address required for interstate move. A nonresident...
Section 58-30-163 - Nonresident license applicant--Reciprocity--Exception. - 58-30-163. Nonresident license applicant--Reciprocity--Exception. The director shall waive any requirements...
Section 58-30-164 - Notification of use of assumed name by insurance producer. - 58-30-164. Notification of use of assumed name by insurance producer....
Section 58-30-165 - Temporary insurance producer license. - 58-30-165. Temporary insurance producer license. The director may issue a...
Section 58-30-166 - Limits on temporary insurance producer license--Revocation of temporary license. - 58-30-166. Limits on temporary insurance producer license--Revocation of temporary license....
Section 58-30-167 - Causes for suspension, revocation, refusal to issue or renew license, or monetary penalty--Notice--Hearing--Final determination. - 58-30-167. Causes for suspension, revocation, refusal to issue or renew...
Section 58-30-167.1 - Termination of producer for receipt of hearing notice prohibited. - 58-30-167.1. Termination of producer for receipt of hearing notice prohibited....
Section 58-30-168 - Written reasons for denial or nonrenewal required--Request for hearing--Notice of hearing. - 58-30-168. Written reasons for denial or nonrenewal required--Request for hearing--Notice...
Section 58-30-169 - Unreported knowledge by partners, officers, or managers of violation as grounds for penalty. - 58-30-169. Unreported knowledge by partners, officers, or managers of violation...
Section 58-30-170 - Authority of director to impose penalty or remedy. - 58-30-170. Authority of director to impose penalty or remedy. The...
Section 58-30-171 - Payment to unlicensed insurance producer prohibited. - 58-30-171. Payment to unlicensed insurance producer prohibited. No insurer or...
Section 58-30-171.1 - Insurer may prohibit consultant fees. - 58-30-171.1. Insurer may prohibit consultant fees. An insurer may by...
Section 58-30-172 - Acceptance of payment by unlicensed insurance producer prohibited. - 58-30-172. Acceptance of payment by unlicensed insurance producer prohibited. No...
Section 58-30-173 - Renewal or deferred commissions approved if license held at time of transaction. - 58-30-173. Renewal or deferred commissions approved if license held at...
Section 58-30-174 - Payment, assignment, or sharing of commissions and fees--Limitations. - 58-30-174. Payment, assignment, or sharing of commissions and fees--Limitations. No...
Section 58-30-175 - Requirements for acting as agent of insurer. - 58-30-175. Requirements for acting as agent of insurer. No insurance...
Section 58-30-176 - Appointment of insurance producer or business entity as agent of insurer--Submission of notice of appointment. - 58-30-176. Appointment of insurance producer or business entity as agent...
Section 58-30-177 - Verification of eligibility of insurance producer for appointment as agent of insurer. - 58-30-177. Verification of eligibility of insurance producer for appointment as...
Section 58-30-178 - Appointment fee required. - 58-30-178. Appointment fee required. An insurer shall pay an appointment...
Section 58-30-179 - Renewal appointment fee. - 58-30-179. Renewal appointment fee. An insurer shall remit, in a...
Section 58-30-180 - Termination of relationship between insurer and insurance producer. - 58-30-180. Termination of relationship between insurer and insurance producer. An...
Section 58-30-181 - Prompt notification of additional information regarding termination of insurance producer. - 58-30-181. Prompt notification of additional information regarding termination of insurance...
Section 58-30-182 - Notification to insurance producer of termination by insurer. - 58-30-182. Notification to insurance producer of termination by insurer. Within...
Section 58-30-183 - Submission of written comments by insurance producer regarding termination. - 58-30-183. Submission of written comments by insurance producer regarding termination....
Section 58-30-184 - Liability for information relating to termination. - 58-30-184. Liability for information relating to termination. In the absence...
Section 58-30-185 - Pleadings in action brought against provider of information regarding termination of insurance producer. - 58-30-185. Pleadings in action brought against provider of information regarding...
Section 58-30-186 - Application of common law to action regarding insurance producer's termination. - 58-30-186. Application of common law to action regarding insurance producer's...
Section 58-30-187 - Confidentiality of information gathered in termination investigation. - 58-30-187. Confidentiality of information gathered in termination investigation. Any documents,...
Section 58-30-188 - Testimony in private civil action prohibited. - 58-30-188. Testimony in private civil action prohibited. Neither the director...
Section 58-30-189 - Director's duties in regard to confidential and privileged documents. - 58-30-189. Director's duties in regard to confidential and privileged documents....
Section 58-30-190 - Waiver of privilege or claim of confidentiality. - 58-30-190. Waiver of privilege or claim of confidentiality. No waiver...
Section 58-30-191 - Release of final orders allowed. - 58-30-191. Release of final orders allowed. Nothing in §§58-30-141 to...
Section 58-30-192 - Penalties for failure to report. - 58-30-192. Penalties for failure to report. An insurer, the authorized...
Section 58-30-193 - Report by insurance producer of any administrative action taken against insurance producer. - 58-30-193. Report by insurance producer of any administrative action taken...
Section 58-30-194 - Report by insurance producer of any felony criminal prosecution of insurance producer. - 58-30-194. Report by insurance producer of any felony criminal prosecution...
Section 58-30-195 - Promulgation of licensure rules. - 58-30-195. Promulgation of licensure rules. The director may promulgate rules...
Section 58-30-196 - Influencing witness testimony in examination or investigation. - 58-30-196. Influencing witness testimony in examination or investigation. No insurance...
Section 58-30-197 - Rental car insurance--Definition of terms. - 58-30-197. Rental car insurance--Definition of terms. Terms used in this...
Section 58-30-198 - Rental car insurance defined. - 58-30-198. Rental car insurance defined. For the purposes of §§58-30-197...
Section 58-30-199 - License needed for offering, selling, or soliciting purchase of rental car insurance. - 58-30-199. License needed for offering, selling, or soliciting purchase of...
Section 58-30-200 - Licensing of rental car agent for authorized rental car insurer. - 58-30-200. Licensing of rental car agent for authorized rental car...
Section 58-30-201 - Rental car company as limited lines insurance producer--License requirements. - 58-30-201. Rental car company as limited lines insurance producer--License requirements....
Section 58-30-202 - Conditions for becoming endorsee authorized to offer, sell, or solicit rental car insurance. - 58-30-202. Conditions for becoming endorsee authorized to offer, sell, or...
Section 58-30-203 - Training of rental car insurance endorsee. - 58-30-203. Training of rental car insurance endorsee. Each rental car...
Section 58-30-204 - Expiration of rental car insurance endorsee license. - 58-30-204. Expiration of rental car insurance endorsee license. An endorsee's...
Section 58-30-205 - Retention of rental car insurance transaction records. - 58-30-205. Retention of rental car insurance transaction records. The rental...
Section 58-30-206 - Rental car insurance agreement. - 58-30-206. Rental car insurance agreement. No insurance may be offered,...
Section 58-30-207 - Rental car insurance advertising and compensation restrictions. - 58-30-207. Rental car insurance advertising and compensation restrictions. No rental...
Section 58-30-208 - Revocation of rental car company license. - 58-30-208. Revocation of rental car company license. If a rental...
Section 58-30-209 - Definitions regarding travel insurance. - 58-30-209. Definitions regarding travel insurance. Terms used in §§58-30-209 to...
Section 58-30-209.1 - Application of travel insurance laws. - 58-30-209.1. Application of travel insurance laws. The requirements of §§58-30-209...
Section 58-30-209.2 - Licensed producers may sell travel insurance--Appointment not required. - 58-30-209.2. Licensed producers may sell travel insurance--Appointment not required. Any...
Section 58-30-209.3 - Travel administrators. - 58-30-209.3. Travel administrators. Notwithstanding any other provisions of chapter 58-30,...
Section 58-30-210 - Limited lines travel insurance producer license authorized. - 58-30-210. Limited lines travel insurance producer license authorized. The director...
Section 58-30-211 - Conditions for offering and disseminating travel insurance under business entity license. - 58-30-211.Conditions for offering and disseminating travel insurance under business entity...
Section 58-30-212 - Statements required in travel retailer's written materials. - 58-30-212. Statements required in travel retailer's written materials. Any travel...
Section 58-30-212.1 - Required provisions and disclosures for travel insurance. - 58-30-212.1. Required provisions and disclosures for travel insurance. The following...
Section 58-30-213 - Limitations on travel retailer's unlicensed employee or authorized representative. - 58-30-213. Limitations on travel retailer's unlicensed employee or authorized representative....
Section 58-30-214 - Registered travel retailers authorized to offer and disseminate travel insurance and receive compensation. - 58-30-214. Registered travel retailers authorized to offer and disseminate travel...
Section 58-30-215 - Individual and group travel insurance policies authorized--Services excluded. - 58-30-215. Individual and group travel insurance policies authorized--Services excluded. Travel...
Section 58-30-215.1 - Travel protection plans. - 58-30-215.1. Travel protection plans. Travel protection plans may be offered...
Section 58-30-215.2 - Travel insurance rates and policy forms--Eligibility, underwriting, distribution, and marketing. - 58-30-215.2. Travel insurance rates and policy forms--Eligibility, underwriting, distribution, and...
Section 58-30-216 - Limited lines travel insurance producer responsible for acts of travel retailer. - 58-30-216. Limited lines travel insurance producer responsible for acts of...
Section 58-30-217 - Compliance with chapters 58-30 and 58-33--Travel insurance sales practices. - 58-30-217. Compliance with chapters 58-30 and 58-33--Travel insurance sales practices....
Section 58-30-217.1 - Certain acts not unfair trade practices. - 58-30-217.1. Certain acts not unfair trade practices. The following acts...
Section 58-30-218 - Promulgation of rules on training for travel retailer employees. - 58-30-218. Promulgation of rules on training for travel retailer employees....