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Section 58-27-1 - Application of chapter. - 58-27-1. Application of chapter. Except for §58-27-68, this chapter applies...
Section 58-27-2 - Eligible investments by insurers--Violation as misdemeanor. - 58-27-2. Eligible investments by insurers--Violation as misdemeanor. Insurers shall invest...
Section 58-27-3 - Time of determination of eligibility of investment. - 58-27-3. Time of determination of eligibility of investment. Eligibility of...
Section 58-27-4 - Prior legal investment deemed eligible. - 58-27-4. Prior legal investment deemed eligible. Any particular investment held...
Section 58-27-5 - Acquisition of ineligible securities or property--Disposition. - 58-27-5. Acquisition of ineligible securities or property--Disposition. No provision of...
Section 58-27-6 - Time of investment limitation based on amount of insurer's admitted assets, risk based capital, or capital and surplus. - 58-27-6. Time of investment limitation based on amount of insurer's...
Section 58-27-7 - Investments required to produce income--Exemptions--Rules. - 58-27-7. Investments required to produce income--Exemptions--Rules. No security or investment,...
Section 58-27-8 - Security or investment ineligible for purchase or exchange at more than market value. - 58-27-8. Security or investment ineligible for purchase or exchange at...
Section 58-27-9 - Obligations of United States or Canada. - 58-27-9. Obligations of United States or Canada. An insurer may...
Section 58-27-10 - Loans guaranteed by United States or Canada. - 58-27-10. Loans guaranteed by United States or Canada. An insurer...
Section 58-27-11 - Obligations of states, provinces, and political subdivisions. - 58-27-11. Obligations of states, provinces, and political subdivisions. An insurer...
Section 58-27-12 - Revenue bonds of states, provinces, and political subdivisions. - 58-27-12. Revenue bonds of states, provinces, and political subdivisions. An...
Section 58-27-12.1 - Maximum investments in bonds, warrants, and evidence of indebtedness. - 58-27-12.1. Maximum investments in bonds, warrants, and evidence of indebtedness....
Section 58-27-13 - Obligations or stock of federal agencies. - 58-27-13. Obligations or stock of federal agencies. An insurer may...
Section 58-27-14 - Certificates of deposit in federally insured banks. - 58-27-14. Certificates of deposit in federally insured banks. An insurer...
Section 58-27-15 - Federally insured savings and loan accounts. - 58-27-15. Federally insured savings and loan accounts. To the extent...
Section 58-27-15.1 - Credit Union accounts. - 58-27-15.1. Credit Union accounts. To the extent that such an...
Section 58-27-16 - Obligations of international bank and certain development banks for reconstruction and development. - 58-27-16. Obligations of international bank and certain development banks for...
Section 58-27-17 - Investments authorized for insurers. - 58-27-17. Investments authorized for insurers. An insurer may invest in:...
Section 58-27-23 - Nonassessable common stock of corporation--Insurance stocks excepted. - 58-27-23. Nonassessable common stock of corporation--Insurance stocks excepted. An insurer...
Section 58-27-24 - Stock of solvent insurers meeting requirements. - 58-27-24. Stock of solvent insurers meeting requirements. An insurer may...
Section 58-27-25 - Insurer acquiring controlling interest in another stock insurer--Limitation as to amount. - 58-27-25. Insurer acquiring controlling interest in another stock insurer--Limitation as...
Section 58-27-26 - Investments in stock of majority owned subsidiary corporations. - 58-27-26. Investments in stock of majority owned subsidiary corporations. With...
Section 58-27-27 - Maximum amount of investments in stock of majority owned subsidiary, or another insurer or wholly owned subsidiary. - 58-27-27. Maximum amount of investments in stock of majority owned...
Section 58-27-28 - Equipment trust obligations or certificates. - 58-27-28. Equipment trust obligations or certificates. An insurer may invest...
Section 58-27-29 - Foreign securities--Insurer authorized to do business in foreign country--Limitation as to amount. - 58-27-29. Foreign securities--Insurer authorized to do business in foreign country--Limitation...
Section 58-27-30 - Collateral loans--Pledge of securities--Restricted amount. - 58-27-30. Collateral loans--Pledge of securities--Restricted amount. An insurer may lend...
Section 58-27-31 - Policy loans by life insurer--Maximum amount. - 58-27-31. Policy loans by life insurer--Maximum amount. A life insurer...
Section 58-27-32 - Real estate mortgages and deeds of trust. - 58-27-32. Real estate mortgages and deeds of trust. An insurer...
Section 58-27-33 - Improved real property defined. - 58-27-33. Improved real property defined. For the purposes of §58-27-32,...
Section 58-27-34 - Interests and restrictions not constituting encumbrances upon improved real property. - 58-27-34. Interests and restrictions not constituting encumbrances upon improved real...
Section 58-27-36 - Bonds or notes secured by mortgage or trust deed guaranteed by federal housing administration. - 58-27-36. Bonds or notes secured by mortgage or trust deed...
Section 58-27-37 - Bonds or notes secured by mortgage or trust deed guaranteed by administrator of veterans' affairs. - 58-27-37. Bonds or notes secured by mortgage or trust deed...
Section 58-27-38 - Equity of seller of real property in contract for deed--Maximum amount of investment. - 58-27-38. Equity of seller of real property in contract for...
Section 58-27-39 - Evidences of debt secured by mortgage or trust deed upon leasehold estates--Eligibility for investment. - 58-27-39. Evidences of debt secured by mortgage or trust deed...
Section 58-27-40 - Purchase money mortgage or other securities received by insurer upon sale or exchange of real property. - 58-27-40. Purchase money mortgage or other securities received by insurer...
Section 58-27-41 - Maximum loan on security of real property--Misdemeanor. - 58-27-41. Maximum loan on security of real property--Misdemeanor. An insurer...
Section 58-27-42 - Real property mortgage loan limited by property value--Loan on leasehold--Additional investment in other assets. - 58-27-42. Real property mortgage loan limited by property value--Loan on...
Section 58-27-43 - Deduction from loan of amount guaranteed by administrator of veterans' affairs. - 58-27-43. Deduction from loan of amount guaranteed by administrator of...
Section 58-27-44 - Appraisal to determine market value of property. - 58-27-44. Appraisal to determine market value of property. The fair...
Section 58-27-45 - Loan on or investment in real estate mortgage on security of chattel mortgage--Limited amount. - 58-27-45. Loan on or investment in real estate mortgage on...
Section 58-27-46 - "Durable equipment" defined. - 58-27-46."Durable equipment" defined. For the purposes of §58-27-45, the term...
Section 58-27-47 - Acquisition of chattel mortgage--Separate appraisal of included items to determine fair market value--Maximum amount of loan. - 58-27-47. Acquisition of chattel mortgage--Separate appraisal of included items to...
Section 58-27-48 - Liens on personal property as additional security permitted. - 58-27-48. Liens on personal property as additional security permitted. Sections...
Section 58-27-49 - Sale of mortgage loans to federal national mortgage association. - 58-27-49. Sale of mortgage loans to federal national mortgage association....
Section 58-27-50 - Restrictions on purposes and amount of real estate investments. - 58-27-50. Restrictions on purposes and amount of real estate investments....
Section 58-27-51 - Maximum investments in other assets--Exceptions. - 58-27-51. Maximum investments in other assets--Exceptions. Notwithstanding the aggregate limitations...
Section 58-27-51.1 - Additional investment authority--Life and health insurers. - 58-27-51.1. Additional investment authority--Life and health insurers. In addition to...
Section 58-27-51.2 - Additional investment authority--Property and casualty insurers. - 58-27-51.2. Additional investment authority--Property and casualty insurers. In addition to...
Section 58-27-51.3 - Additional investment authority--Valuation of investments. - 58-27-51.3. Additional investment authority--Valuation of investments. Any investment purchased and...
Section 58-27-52 - Limits on categories of investments. - 58-27-52. Limits on categories of investments. Except as otherwise provided...
Section 58-27-53 - Maximum amount of investments or loans with one person, institution, corporation, or municipal corporation--Exceptions. - 58-27-53. Maximum amount of investments or loans with one person,...
Section 58-27-54 - Maximum amount of investment in voting stock of corporation--Exceptions. - 58-27-54. Maximum amount of investment in voting stock of corporation--Exceptions....
Section 58-27-55 - Maintenance of invested funds--Minimum amount--Guaranteed securities--Real property. - 58-27-55. Maintenance of invested funds--Minimum amount--Guaranteed securities--Real property. An insurer,...
Section 58-27-56 - Minimum investments by life insurer. - 58-27-56. Minimum investments by life insurer. A life insurer shall...
Section 58-27-57 - Maximum amount of investment in certain classes of securities. - 58-27-57. Maximum amount of investment in certain classes of securities....
Section 58-27-58 - Limitations on investments in corporate stock--Exceptions. - 58-27-58. Limitations on investments in corporate stock--Exceptions. An insurer may...
Section 58-27-60 - Limits of investments in real estate--Law governing. - 58-27-60. Limits of investments in real estate--Law governing. Limits as...
Section 58-27-61 - Investment or loans on own capital stock. - 58-27-61. Investment or loans on own capital stock. In addition...
Section 58-27-62 - Loan secured by own stock as collateral. - 58-27-62. Loan secured by own stock as collateral. In addition...
Section 58-27-64 - Affiliate defined. - 58-27-64. Affiliate defined. The term "affiliate" when used in §§58-27-62...
Section 58-27-65 - Finding of director that security designed to evade chapter--Investment or loan prohibited. - 58-27-65. Finding of director that security designed to evade chapter--Investment...
Section 58-27-66 - Pension or profit-sharing trust agreement not prohibited. - 58-27-66. Pension or profit-sharing trust agreement not prohibited. The provisions...
Section 58-27-67 - Underwriting of securities or property prohibited. - 58-27-67. Underwriting of securities or property prohibited. No insurer shall...
Section 58-27-68 - Foreign insurer--Permitted investment portfolio--Domicile of alien insurer. - 58-27-68. Foreign insurer--Permitted investment portfolio--Domicile of alien insurer. The investment...
Section 58-27-69 - Authorization of investment or loan by board or committee of insurer. - 58-27-69. Authorization of investment or loan by board or committee...
Section 58-27-70 - Disposal of real estate unnecessary for transaction of insurance business--Time limit. - 58-27-70. Disposal of real estate unnecessary for transaction of insurance...
Section 58-27-71 - Disposal of real estate acquired in satisfaction of debt, as part payment of consideration on sale of real estate, as gift or devise, or through merger, consolidation, or bulk reinsurance--Time limit. - 58-27-71. Disposal of real estate acquired in satisfaction of debt,...
Section 58-27-72 - Extension of time for disposal of real estate--Election to hold as investment for income purposes, acquisition cost. - 58-27-72. Extension of time for disposal of real estate--Election to...
Section 58-27-73 - Immediate disposal of ineligible property or security unlawfully acquired. - 58-27-73. Immediate disposal of ineligible property or security unlawfully acquired....
Section 58-27-74 - Disposal of lawfully acquired ineligible property--Extension of time. - 58-27-74. Disposal of lawfully acquired ineligible property--Extension of time. Any...
Section 58-27-75 - Ineligible personal property or securities not allowable as assets of insurer. - 58-27-75. Ineligible personal property or securities not allowable as assets...
Section 58-27-76 - Expiration of period for disposal of ineligible property or securities--Disallowance as admitted asset. - 58-27-76. Expiration of period for disposal of ineligible property or...
Section 58-27-77 - Immediate disposal of ineligible investment unlawfully acquired. - 58-27-77. Immediate disposal of ineligible investment unlawfully acquired. The insurer...
Section 58-27-78 - Nominee holding investments--Definitions. - 58-27-78. Nominee holding investments--Definitions. Terms used in §§58-27-78 to 58-27-84,...
Section 58-27-79 - Name in which investments held. - 58-27-79. Name in which investments held. A company's investments shall...
Section 58-27-80 - Holding in name of clearing corporation, custodian bank or nominee--Conditions. - 58-27-80. Holding in name of clearing corporation, custodian bank or...
Section 58-27-81 - Securities lending, repurchase, reverse repurchase and dollar roll transactions--Agreement required. - 58-27-81. Securities lending, repurchase, reverse repurchase and dollar roll transactions--Agreement...
Section 58-27-82 - Participation in federal reserve book-entry system. - 58-27-82. Participation in federal reserve book-entry system. A company may...
Section 58-27-83 - Interest in pool of obligations--Fractional interest in an obligation--Requirements. - 58-27-83. Interest in pool of obligations--Fractional interest in an obligation--Requirements....
Section 58-27-84 - Evidence of investment required in absence of certificate. - 58-27-84. Evidence of investment required in absence of certificate. If...
Section 58-27-85 - Banking business authorized--Acquisition of banks--Regulation of such banking business. - 58-27-85. Banking business authorized--Acquisition of banks--Regulation of such banking business....
Section 58-27-86 - Approval of banking acquisition required--Considerations in determining--Conditions. - 58-27-86. Approval of banking acquisition required--Considerations in determining--Conditions. Any acquisition...
Section 58-27-87 - Banking patronage as prerequisite to issuance of insurance policy prohibited. - 58-27-87. Banking patronage as prerequisite to issuance of insurance policy...
Section 58-27-88 - Limitation on application of Secondary Mortgage Market Enhancement Act to certain investments. - 58-27-88. Limitation on application of Secondary Mortgage Market Enhancement Act...
Section 58-27-89 - Definition of terms. - 58-27-89. Definition of terms. Terms used in §§58-27-89 to 58-27-102,...
Section 58-27-90 - Limitations on acquiring medium or lower grade obligations. - 58-27-90. Limitations on acquiring medium or lower grade obligations. No...
Section 58-27-91 - Obligations contracted prior to July 1, 1992. - 58-27-91. Obligations contracted prior to July 1, 1992. A domestic...
Section 58-27-92 - Multiple obligations in same institution. - 58-27-92. Multiple obligations in same institution. Notwithstanding the requirements of...
Section 58-27-93 - Written plans for making medium or lower grade obligations--Contents of plan--Deadline. - 58-27-93. Written plans for making medium or lower grade obligations--Contents...
Section 58-27-94 - Limit on amount invested in medium or lower grade obligations. - 58-27-94. Limit on amount invested in medium or lower grade...
Section 58-27-95 - Restructuring of medium or lower grade obligation already held. - 58-27-95. Restructuring of medium or lower grade obligation already held....
Section 58-27-96 - Conflicting provisions. - 58-27-96. Conflicting provisions. If any provision of this Title conflicts...
Section 58-27-97 - Excess transactions. - 58-27-97. Excess transactions. If an insurer exceeds any one category,...
Section 58-27-98 - Promulgation of rules. - 58-27-98. Promulgation of rules. The director may promulgate rules, pursuant...
Section 58-27-99 - Application of §§ 58-27-89 to 58-27-102. - 58-27-99. Application of §§58-27-89 to 58-27-102. Sections 58-27-89 to 58-27-102,...
Section 58-27-100 - Time limit for compliance with §§ 58-27-89 to 58-27-102. - 58-27-100. Time limit for compliance with §§58-27-89 to 58-27-102. All...
Section 58-27-101 - Investment in money market funds. - 58-27-101.Investment in money market funds. The term, money market fund,...
Section 58-27-102 - Investment in company owned life insurance contracts. - 58-27-102. Investment in company owned life insurance contracts. An insurer...
Section 58-27-103 - Investment in a collateralized pool of mortgages--Requirements--Restrictions. - 58-27-103. Investment in a collateralized pool of mortgages--Requirements--Restrictions. In addition...
Section 58-27-104 - Investment in a collateralized pool of assets other than mortgages--Requirements. - 58-27-104. Investment in a collateralized pool of assets other than...
Section 58-27-105 - Foreign investments. - 58-27-105. Foreign investments. An insurer may invest in securities or...
Section 58-27-107 - Ratification of investment. - 58-27-107. Ratification of investment. Any investment satisfying the provisions of...
Section 58-27-108 - Rating and valuation of investments--Requirements--Divestment. - 58-27-108. Rating and valuation of investments--Requirements--Divestment. Any investment shall be...
Section 58-27-109 - Institution defined. - 58-27-109. Institution defined. For purposes of this chapter, an institution...
Section 58-27-110 - Title plans investments. - 58-27-110. Title plans investments. A domestic title insurer may make...
Section 58-27-111 - Joint venture and limited partnership investments. - 58-27-111. Joint venture and limited partnership investments. Notwithstanding direct investment...