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Section 58-22-1 - Definition of terms. - 58-22-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 58-22-2 - Qualifications of surety for release of person on bail. - 58-22-2. Qualifications of surety for release of person on bail....
Section 58-22-3 - Persons disqualified as bail bondspersons or runners--Violation as felony. - 58-22-3. Persons disqualified as bail bondspersons or runners--Violation as felony....
Section 58-22-4 - License required to act as bail bondsperson or runner--Exception--Violation as felony or misdemeanor. - 58-22-4. License required to act as bail bondsperson or runner--Exception--Violation...
Section 58-22-5 - Licenses to individuals only--Examination waived for persons previously acting--Exemptions. - 58-22-5. Licenses to individuals only--Examination waived for persons previously acting--Exemptions....
Section 58-22-6 - Application for license--Affirmative showing of qualifications. - 58-22-6. Application for license--Affirmative showing of qualifications. The application for...
Section 58-22-7 - License fee submitted to director--Fingerprints and photograph of applicant. - 58-22-7. License fee submitted to director--Fingerprints and photograph of applicant....
Section 58-22-8 - Surety bondspersons annual list--Subsequent appointments--Fees. - 58-22-8. Surety bondspersons annual list--Subsequent appointments--Fees. Every insurer shall annually,...
Section 58-22-9 - Termination of appointment of surety bondsman by insurer--Notice to director--Information privileged. - 58-22-9. Termination of appointment of surety bondsman by insurer--Notice to...
Section 58-22-10 - Professional bondsman--Annual financial statement furnished by applicant. - 58-22-10. Professional bondsman--Annual financial statement furnished by applicant. In addition...
Section 58-22-11 - Refusal, suspension, or cancellation of license for inadequate financial statement. - 58-22-11. Refusal, suspension, or cancellation of license for inadequate financial...
Section 58-22-12 - Application for license as runner--Affirmative showing of qualifications. - 58-22-12. Application for license as runner--Affirmative showing of qualifications. In...
Section 58-22-13 - Runner's application--Fees--Fingerprints and photograph of applicant. - 58-22-13. Runner's application--Fees--Fingerprints and photograph of applicant. Each runner's application...
Section 58-22-14 - Application for license or renewal--Investigation of applicant's fitness--Criminal background check. - 58-22-14. Application for license or renewal--Investigation of applicant's fitness--Criminal background...
Section 58-22-15 - Failure of applicant for license to secure approval--Filing of another application. - 58-22-15. Failure of applicant for license to secure approval--Filing of...
Section 58-22-16 - Examination of bail bondsperson or runner. - 58-22-16. Examination of bail bondsperson or runner. The applicant shall...
Section 58-22-17 - Examination fee. - 58-22-17. Examination fee. The fee for such examination shall be...
Section 58-22-18 - Failure of applicant to pass--Subsequent examinations. - 58-22-18. Failure of applicant to pass--Subsequent examinations. The failure of...
Section 58-22-19 - Expiration of licenses. - 58-22-19. Expiration of licenses. All licenses issued shall expire annually...
Section 58-22-20 - Renewal license--Issuance by director--Fee. - 58-22-20. Renewal license--Issuance by director--Fee. A renewal license shall be...
Section 58-22-21 - Causes for denial, suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew license. - 58-22-21. Causes for denial, suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew...
Section 58-22-22 - Suspension of license--Investigation by director--Notice and charges--Failure to answer or deny charges, revocation of license. - 58-22-22. Suspension of license--Investigation by director--Notice and charges--Failure to answer...
Section 58-22-23 - Denial of charges of unlawful conduct--Hearing by director, notice of time and place, rights of parties--Suspension or revocation of license. - 58-22-23. Denial of charges of unlawful conduct--Hearing by director, notice...
Section 58-22-24 - Deposit by professional bondsperson--Amount--Law governing--Waiver. - 58-22-24. Deposit by professional bondsperson--Amount--Law governing--Waiver. Professional bondspersons shall, before...
Section 58-22-25 - Annual registration required--Violation as misdemeanor. - 58-22-25. Annual registration required--Violation as misdemeanor. No bail bondsperson may...
Section 58-22-26 - Notice to sheriffs of discontinuance of business during license period--Return of license for cancellation. - 58-22-26. Notice to sheriffs of discontinuance of business during license...
Section 58-22-27 - Appointment of runners--Director's approval required--Grounds for denying appointment. - 58-22-27. Appointment of runners--Director's approval required--Grounds for denying appointment. Every...
Section 58-22-28 - Termination of appointment of runner--Notice filed with director--Notice to runner--Information privileged. - 58-22-28. Termination of appointment of runner--Notice filed with director--Notice to...
Section 58-22-29 - Giving or promising anything of value to principal as misdemeanor. - 58-22-29. Giving or promising anything of value to principal as...
Section 58-22-30 - Acceptance of anything of value from principal except premium as misdemeanor--Collateral security or indemnity permitted. - 58-22-30. Acceptance of anything of value from principal except premium...
Section 58-22-31 - Receipt for collateral--Description of collateral received. - 58-22-31. Receipt for collateral--Description of collateral received. When a bail...
Section 58-22-32 - Solicitation of business where prisoners confined as misdemeanor. - 58-22-32. Solicitation of business where prisoners confined as misdemeanor. No...
Section 58-22-33 - Giving or promising anything of value to public officials to secure settlement, remission, or reduction as felony. - 58-22-33. Giving or promising anything of value to public officials...
Section 58-22-34 - Giving anything of value to attorney in bail bond matter as felony--Exception. - 58-22-34. Giving anything of value to attorney in bail bond...
Section 58-22-35 - Bail bondsperson or runner acting as attorney prohibited--Misdemeanor. - 58-22-35. Bail bondsperson or runner acting as attorney prohibited--Misdemeanor. No...
Section 58-22-36 - Advising employment of particular attorney as misdemeanor. - 58-22-36. Advising employment of particular attorney as misdemeanor. No bail...
Section 58-22-37 - Signing or countersigning of bond in blank by bail bondsman prohibited, exception. - 58-22-37. Signing or countersigning of bond in blank by bail...
Section 58-22-38 - Annual list of forfeitures of bonds--Contents. - 58-22-38. Annual list of forfeitures of bonds--Contents. A professional bondsman...
Section 58-22-39 - Affidavit of property bondsman as to consideration for undertaking--Willful misstatement as perjury. - 58-22-39. Affidavit of property bondsman as to consideration for undertaking--Willful...
Section 58-22-40 - Surety's right to enforce indemnity agreement limited by affidavit. - 58-22-40. Surety's right to enforce indemnity agreement limited by affidavit....
Section 58-22-41 - Deposit by defendant admitted to bail. - 58-22-41. Deposit by defendant admitted to bail. When the defendant...
Section 58-22-42 - Bail by surety substituted for deposit--Refunding of deposit--Cancellation of original undertaking. - 58-22-42. Bail by surety substituted for deposit--Refunding of deposit--Cancellation of...
Section 58-22-43 - Bail other than deposit--Cancellation by deposit. - 58-22-43. Bail other than deposit--Cancellation by deposit. When bail other...
Section 58-22-44 - Undertaking for appearance before a magistrate or court--Time of appearance. - 58-22-44. Undertaking for appearance before a magistrate or court--Time of...
Section 58-22-45 - Liability on undertaking unaffected by defects. - 58-22-45. Liability on undertaking unaffected by defects. The liability of...
Section 58-22-46 - Validity of undertaking entered into on Sunday or holiday. - 58-22-46. Validity of undertaking entered into on Sunday or holiday....
Section 58-22-47 - Administration and enforcement of chapter by director--Employment of personnel. - 58-22-47. Administration and enforcement of chapter by director--Employment of personnel....
Section 58-22-49 - Written appointment required with application for runner's license. - 58-22-49. Written appointment required with application for runner's license. The...
Section 58-22-50 - Licensee to notify Division of certain convictions. - 58-22-50. Licensee to notify Division of certain convictions. Any person...
Section 58-22-51 - Out-of-state bail bondsperson--Notification of activities--Limitations on activities--License required. - 58-22-51. Out-of-state bail bondsperson--Notification of activities--Limitations on activities--License required. Any...
Section 58-22-52 - List of runners to be furnished to director--Fee. - 58-22-52. List of runners to be furnished to director--Fee. Each...
Section 58-22-53 - Posting of bond under bondsperson's own license for licensee's release prohibited. - 58-22-53. Posting of bond under bondsperson's own license for licensee's...
Section 58-22-54 - Enforcement of title permitted although license surrendered or lapsed. - 58-22-54. Enforcement of title permitted although license surrendered or lapsed....
Section 58-22-55 - Report of felony criminal prosecution. - 58-22-55. Report of felony criminal prosecution. A person licensed under...