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Section 57A-11-101 - Effective date. - 57A-11-101.Effective date. This 1983 Act shall become effective at 12:01...
Section 57A-11-101(a) - Transition to 1999 Act--General rule. - 57A-11-101A. Transition to 1999 Act--General rule. A transaction arising out...
Section 57A-11-102 - Preservation of old transition provision. - 57A-11-102. Preservation of old transition provision. The provisions of Title...
Section 57A-11-103 - Transition to 1983 Act--General rule. - 57A-11-103. Transition to 1983 Act--General rule. Transactions validly entered into...
Section 57A-11-104 - Transition provision on change of requirement of filing. - 57A-11-104. Transition provision on change of requirement of filing. A...
Section 57A-11-105 - Transition provision on change of place of filing. - 57A-11-105. Transition provision on change of place of filing. (1)A...
Section 57A-11-106 - Required refilings. - 57A-11-106. Required refilings. (1)If a security interest is perfected or...
Section 57A-11-107 - Transition provisions as to priorities. - 57A-11-107. Transition provisions as to priorities. Except as otherwise provided...
Section 57A-11-108 - Presumption that rule of law continues unchanged. - 57A-11-108. Presumption that rule of law continues unchanged. Unless a...