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Section 47-9A-1 - Agriculture prohibited as corporate or limited liability company purpose. - 47-9A-1. Agriculture prohibited as corporate or limited liability company purpose....
Section 47-9A-1.1 - Certain breeding stock, products, and facilities exempt. - 47-9A-1.1. Certain breeding stock, products, and facilities exempt. The restrictions...
Section 47-9A-2 - Definition of terms. - 47-9A-2. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter, unless...
Section 47-9A-3 - Corporate farming and acquisition of interest in farm real estate prohibited. - 47-9A-3. Corporate farming and acquisition of interest in farm real...
Section 47-9A-3.1 - Certain greenhouse operations exempt. - 47-9A-3.1. Certain greenhouse operations exempt. The restrictions of §§47-9A-1 and...
Section 47-9A-3.2 - Facilities for feeding poultry or producing meat or eggs exempt. - 47-9A-3.2. Facilities for feeding poultry or producing meat or eggs...
Section 47-9A-3.3 - Dairy on agricultural lands exempt. - 47-9A-3.3. Dairy on agricultural lands exempt. The restrictions of §§47-9A-1...
Section 47-9A-4 - Banks and trust companies exempt--Purchase of agricultural land through pooled investment fund excepted. - 47-9A-4. Banks and trust companies exempt--Purchase of agricultural land through...
Section 47-9A-5 - Certain limited liability entities exempt from restrictions. - 47-9A-5. Certain limited liability entities exempt from restrictions. The restrictions...
Section 47-9A-6 - Encumbrance taken for security exempt. - 47-9A-6. Encumbrance taken for security exempt. The restrictions provided in...
Section 47-9A-7 - Lands acquired in collection of debt or enforcement of claim exempt--Period allowed for disposition--Covenant runs with land. - 47-9A-7. Lands acquired in collection of debt or enforcement of...
Section 47-9A-8 - Agricultural land--Gift--Restrictions--Applicability. - 47-9A-8. Agricultural land--Gift--Restrictions--Applicability. The restrictions in §§47-9A-1 and 47-9A-3 do...
Section 47-9A-9 - Farms, for scientific, medical, research, or experimental purposes exempt if sale of products incidental. - 47-9A-9. Farms, for scientific, medical, research, or experimental purposes exempt...
Section 47-9A-10 - Raising breeding stock for resale exempt--Nurseries and seed farms. - 47-9A-10. Raising breeding stock for resale exempt--Nurseries and seed farms....
Section 47-9A-11 - Livestock feeding exempt. - 47-9A-11. Livestock feeding exempt. The restrictions of §§47-9A-1 and 47-9A-3...
Section 47-9A-12 - Land acquired for nonfarming uses exempt--Acreage allowed--Restrictions on farming pending development. - 47-9A-12. Land acquired for nonfarming uses exempt--Acreage allowed--Restrictions on farming...
Section 47-9A-12.1 - Cement Plant Commission property used for nonfarming purposes. - 47-9A-12.1. Cement Plant Commission property used for nonfarming purposes. All...
Section 47-9A-13 - Family farm and authorized farm corporations exempt. - 47-9A-13. Family farm and authorized farm corporations exempt. The restrictions...
Section 47-9A-13.2 - Pork production subject to same provisions as other operations. - 47-9A-13.2. Pork production subject to same provisions as other operations....
Section 47-9A-14 - Family farm corporation defined. - 47-9A-14. Family farm corporation defined. As used in this chapter,...
Section 47-9A-15 - Qualifications of authorized small farm corporation. - 47-9A-15. Qualifications of authorized small farm corporation. As used in...
Section 47-9A-16 - Report required of corporation engaged in farming--Contents. - 47-9A-16. Report required of corporation engaged in farming--Contents. Every corporation...
Section 47-9A-17 - Additional information for qualification as family or authorized farm corporation. - 47-9A-17. Additional information for qualification as family or authorized farm...
Section 47-9A-18 - Farming prohibited without certification by secretary of state. - 47-9A-18. Farming prohibited without certification by secretary of state. No...
Section 47-9A-20 - Corporation failing to file or filing false report--Civil fine. - 47-9A-20. Corporation failing to file or filing false report--Civil fine....
Section 47-9A-21 - Attorney general to prosecute violations--Order of court declaring violation. - 47-9A-21. Attorney general to prosecute violations--Order of court declaring violation....
Section 47-9A-22 - Recording of order--Divestiture within prescribed period--Covenant running with land--Public sale of lands not divested. - 47-9A-22. Recording of order--Divestiture within prescribed period--Covenant running with land--Public...
Section 47-9A-23 - Citation of chapter. - 47-9A-23. Citation of chapter. This chapter shall be known and...