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Section 45-6C-1 - Citation of chapter. - 45-6C-1. Citation of chapter. This chapter may be cited as...
Section 45-6C-2 - Legislative findings and policy. - 45-6C-2. Legislative findings and policy. The relatively unknown and as...
Section 45-6C-3 - Definition of terms. - 45-6C-3. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 45-6C-4 - Permit or surety not required by governmental office or political subdivision of state. - 45-6C-4. Permit or surety not required by governmental office or...
Section 45-6C-5 - Compliance with public land laws and this chapter. - 45-6C-5. Compliance with public land laws and this chapter. All...
Section 45-6C-6 - Notice of intent to conduct exploration operation--Items comprising notice. - 45-6C-6. Notice of intent to conduct exploration operation--Items comprising notice....
Section 45-6C-7 - Notice form--Contents. - 45-6C-7. Notice form--Contents. The notice form shall contain: (1)The name...
Section 45-6C-8 - Plan of reclamation--Contents. - 45-6C-8. Plan of reclamation--Contents. The reclamation plan shall be based...
Section 45-6C-9 - Map of exploration area. - 45-6C-9. Map of exploration area. The applicant shall submit with...
Section 45-6C-10 - Notice to Department of Game, Fish and Parks--Restrictions concerning riparian habitat. - 45-6C-10. Notice to Department of Game, Fish and Parks--Restrictions concerning...
Section 45-6C-11 - Notice to state archaeologist--Restrictions concerning site disturbances. - 45-6C-11. Notice to state archaeologist--Restrictions concerning site disturbances. Upon receipt...
Section 45-6C-12 - Water rights or water pollution control restrictions. - 45-6C-12. Water rights or water pollution control restrictions. The operator...
Section 45-6C-13 - Time for commencement of exploration operation. - 45-6C-13. Time for commencement of exploration operation. The operator may...
Section 45-6C-14 - Confidential information and notice of intent protected--Violation as misdemeanor. - 45-6C-14. Confidential information and notice of intent protected--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 45-6C-15 - Copies of intent and restrictions--Filing with county commissioners--Publication. - 45-6C-15. Copies of intent and restrictions--Filing with county commissioners--Publication. The...
Section 45-6C-16 - Consultation with surface owner--Preferences for reclamation and travel restrictions. - 45-6C-16. Consultation with surface owner--Preferences for reclamation and travel restrictions....
Section 45-6C-17 - Fee for notice of intent. - 45-6C-17. Fee for notice of intent. A fee of two...
Section 45-6C-18 - Domestic water wells--Information required of operator. - 45-6C-18. Domestic water wells--Information required of operator. The Board of...
Section 45-6C-19 - Inspection of area before exploration--Surety for costs of plugging test holes and reclamation. - 45-6C-19. Inspection of area before exploration--Surety for costs of plugging...
Section 45-6C-20 - Criteria for determining amount of surety. - 45-6C-20. Criteria for determining amount of surety. Criteria which shall...
Section 45-6C-21 - Surety bond--Surety other than bond--Considerations by board. - 45-6C-21. Surety bond--Surety other than bond--Considerations by board. In determining...
Section 45-6C-22 - Cash or securities in lieu of surety. - 45-6C-22. Cash or securities in lieu of surety. In lieu...
Section 45-6C-23 - Surety payable to state--Conditions required. - 45-6C-23. Surety payable to state--Conditions required. The surety provided for...
Section 45-6C-24 - Surety liability continues until released. - 45-6C-24. Surety liability continues until released. Liability of an operator...
Section 45-6C-25 - Surety penalty--Amount. - 45-6C-25. Surety penalty--Amount. The penalty of the required surety shall...
Section 45-6C-26 - Exploration operations--Applicable laws. - 45-6C-26. Exploration operations--Applicable laws. Every operator who files notice of...
Section 45-6C-27 - Explosives. - 45-6C-27. Explosives. No exploration operations involving the use of explosives...
Section 45-6C-28 - Capping, sealing, and plugging of test holes--Temporary delay. - 45-6C-28. Capping, sealing, and plugging of test holes--Temporary delay. The...
Section 45-6C-29 - Capping, sealing, and plugging test holes--Rules. - 45-6C-29. Capping, sealing, and plugging test holes--Rules. The Board of...
Section 45-6C-31 - Test holes used for water wells. - 45-6C-31. Test holes used for water wells. If any test...
Section 45-6C-32 - Roads and trails. - 45-6C-32. Roads and trails. The operator shall construct all roads...
Section 45-6C-33 - Restoration of drill sites and affected land. - 45-6C-33. Restoration of drill sites and affected land. The operator...
Section 45-6C-34 - Penetration of aquifer--Notice to board. - 45-6C-34. Penetration of aquifer--Notice to board. The operator shall notify,...
Section 45-6C-35 - Penetration of aquifer--Report required. - 45-6C-35. Penetration of aquifer--Report required. The operator shall submit, upon...
Section 45-6C-36 - Violation--Notice to operator. - 45-6C-36. Violation--Notice to operator. If the secretary of agriculture and...
Section 45-6C-37 - Violation--Cease and desist order. - 45-6C-37. Violation--Cease and desist order. If the secretary of agriculture...
Section 45-6C-38 - Violation--Hearing. - 45-6C-38. Violation--Hearing. The Board of Minerals and Environment may require...
Section 45-6C-39 - Violation--Suspension of operations. - 45-6C-39. Violation--Suspension of operations. Upon a determination, after hearing, that...
Section 45-6C-40 - Violation--Action for temporary restraining order or injunction. - 45-6C-40. Violation--Action for temporary restraining order or injunction. The Board...
Section 45-6C-41 - Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Proceedings by attorney general. - 45-6C-41. Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Proceedings by attorney general. The attorney general,...
Section 45-6C-42 - Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Reclamation of land by board. - 45-6C-42. Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Reclamation of land by board. The Board...
Section 45-6C-43 - Fees deposited in environment and natural resources fee fund--Proceeds of forfeiture of surety deposited in special revenue fund. - 45-6C-43. Fees deposited in environment and natural resources fee fund--Proceeds...
Section 45-6C-44 - Operator currently in violation--Filing notice of intent prohibited. - 45-6C-44. Operator currently in violation--Filing notice of intent prohibited. Any...
Section 45-6C-45 - Violation--Civil penalty--Liability for damages to environment. - 45-6C-45. Violation--Civil penalty--Liability for damages to environment. Any person who...
Section 45-6C-46 - Refusal of access or interference with inspection as violation. - 45-6C-46. Refusal of access or interference with inspection as violation....
Section 45-6C-47 - Jurisdiction and authority of board--Employment of personnel--Legal services provided by attorney general. - 45-6C-47. Jurisdiction and authority of board--Employment of personnel--Legal services provided...
Section 45-6C-48 - Assistance provided by other departments and agencies. - 45-6C-48. Assistance provided by other departments and agencies. The Department...
Section 45-6C-49 - General powers of board. - 45-6C-49. General powers of board. The Board of Minerals and...
Section 45-6C-51 - Exemption of educational and recreational activities. - 45-6C-51. Exemption of educational and recreational activities. Any person engaged...
Section 45-6C-52 - Annual report of activities conducted under notice of intent--Information to be included. - 45-6C-52. Annual report of activities conducted under notice of intent--Information...
Section 45-6C-53 - Transfer of notice of intent. - 45-6C-53. Transfer of notice of intent. Any exploration notice of...
Section 45-6C-54 - Publication of application for a transfer of notice of intent--Contents. - 45-6C-54. Publication of application for a transfer of notice of...
Section 45-6C-55 - Confidentiality period of certain mineral exploration reports. - 45-6C-55. Confidentiality period of certain mineral exploration reports. Any written...