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Section 44-8-1 - Creation, renewal, or extension of mortgage of real property--Formalities required. - 44-8-1. Creation, renewal, or extension of mortgage of real property--Formalities...
Section 44-8-1.1 - Real property interests subject to mortgage. - 44-8-1.1. Real property interests subject to mortgage. Any interest in...
Section 44-8-1.2 - After-acquired title of real property mortgagor. - 44-8-1.2. After-acquired title of real property mortgagor. Title to real...
Section 44-8-1.3 - Mortgagor not bound to personal performance. - 44-8-1.3. Mortgagor not bound to personal performance. A real estate...
Section 44-8-1.4 - Mortgage assigned with debt. - 44-8-1.4. Mortgage assigned with debt. The assignment of a debt...
Section 44-8-1.5 - Security of mortgage protected against mortgagor's act. - 44-8-1.5. Security of mortgage protected against mortgagor's act. No person...
Section 44-8-2 - Power of attorney to execute mortgage of real property must be in writing--Signature, acknowledgment, or proof--Recording. - 44-8-2. Power of attorney to execute mortgage of real property...
Section 44-8-3 - Standard form of real estate mortgage. - 44-8-3. Standard form of real estate mortgage. The standard form...
Section 44-8-4 - Assignment of real estate mortgage--Standard form. - 44-8-4. Assignment of real estate mortgage--Standard form. The standard form...
Section 44-8-5 - Satisfaction of real estate mortgage--Standard form. - 44-8-5. Satisfaction of real estate mortgage--Standard form. The standard form...
Section 44-8-6 - Adoption of standard forms--Use of other forms not precluded--Name and post office address of mortgagee or assignee required. - 44-8-6. Adoption of standard forms--Use of other forms not precluded--Name...
Section 44-8-7 - Real estate mortgages--Prohibited provisions--Exception--Federal land bank mortgages. - 44-8-7. Real estate mortgages--Prohibited provisions--Exception--Federal land bank mortgages. The following...
Section 44-8-8 - Validation of recorded real estate mortgages containing prohibited provisions--Notice to subsequent purchasers, encumbrancers or creditors--Rights of good faith purchasers or encumbrancers prior to July 1, 1949--Rights barred by no a... - 44-8-8. Validation of recorded real estate mortgages containing prohibited provisions--Notice...
Section 44-8-9 - Mortgage of real property--Acknowledgment or proof--Certification and recording. - 44-8-9. Mortgage of real property--Acknowledgment or proof--Certification and recording. Mortgages...
Section 44-8-10 - Record of mortgage--Notice to subsequent purchasers and encumbrancers. - 44-8-10. Record of mortgage--Notice to subsequent purchasers and encumbrancers. The...
Section 44-8-11 - Instrument intended as mortgage of real property--Recording as mortgage necessary. - 44-8-11. Instrument intended as mortgage of real property--Recording as mortgage...
Section 44-8-12 - Defeasance, to effect grant absolute on its face, must be recorded. - 44-8-12. Defeasance, to effect grant absolute on its face, must...
Section 44-8-13 - Assignment of mortgage on real property--Recording--Acknowledgment or proof--Contents--Record as notice. - 44-8-13. Assignment of mortgage on real property--Recording--Acknowledgment or proof--Contents--Record as...
Section 44-8-14 - Discharge of recorded mortgage--Certificate of release, contents, recording, fee. - 44-8-14. Discharge of recorded mortgage--Certificate of release, contents, recording, fee....
Section 44-8-15 - Mortgages affecting real property--Defective assignments or discharges recorded prior to July 1, 1939, legalized--Rights or purchasers or encumbrancers protected--Use as evidence--Rights barred by no action. - 44-8-15. Mortgages affecting real property--Defective assignments or discharges recorded prior...
Section 44-8-16 - Prior or superior mortgage affecting real property--Failure of mortgagor or successor in interest to pay installment due--Payment by holder of inferior mortgage--Added to amount due on mortgage. - 44-8-16. Prior or superior mortgage affecting real property--Failure of mortgagor...
Section 44-8-17 - Real property sold on execution or on mortgage foreclosure--Renewal of insurance by purchaser--Payments of taxes or assessments by purchaser--Addition to cost of redemption from sale. - 44-8-17. Real property sold on execution or on mortgage foreclosure--Renewal...
Section 44-8-18 - Past due installments of interest and principal on superior mortgage affecting real property--Payment by holder of inferior mortgage--Insurance, taxes, and assessments paid by purchaser at sale on execution or mortgage foreclosure--... - 44-8-18. Past due installments of interest and principal on superior...
Section 44-8-19 - Bond to redeem without paying insurance, taxes or prior liens--Action on bond to determine validity. - 44-8-19. Bond to redeem without paying insurance, taxes or prior...
Section 44-8-20 - Deficiency in amount of purchase money mortgage given after June 30, 1933--Nonexistent after foreclosure of mortgage. - 44-8-20. Deficiency in amount of purchase money mortgage given after...
Section 44-8-21 - Mortgage securing note for purchase price of real estate--Nonnegotiability--Enforcement of liability--Endorsement of note. - 44-8-21. Mortgage securing note for purchase price of real estate--Nonnegotiability--Enforcement...
Section 44-8-22 - Rights of payee of note given in payment of purchase price--Deficiency judgment prohibition inapplicable unless note secured by real estate mortgage. - 44-8-22. Rights of payee of note given in payment of...
Section 44-8-23 - Executory contract remedies unaffected by deficiency judgment provisions. - 44-8-23. Executory contract remedies unaffected by deficiency judgment provisions. Nothing...
Section 44-8-24 - Deficiency judgment prohibition inapplicable to purchase money mortgage or notes held by federal agencies and instrumentalities. - 44-8-24. Deficiency judgment prohibition inapplicable to purchase money mortgage or...
Section 44-8-25 - Deficiency judgment provisions not applicable to outside lenders. - 44-8-25. Deficiency judgment provisions not applicable to outside lenders. Nothing...
Section 44-8-26 - Collateral real estate mortgages. - 44-8-26. Collateral real estate mortgages. A mortgage which contains the...
Section 44-8-27 - Due-on-sale clause defined. - 44-8-27. Due-on-sale clause defined. For the purpose of this section...
Section 44-8-28 - Inclusion of due-on-sale clause in mortgage required for enforcement. - 44-8-28. Inclusion of due-on-sale clause in mortgage required for enforcement....
Section 44-8-29 - Definition of terms. - 44-8-29. Definition of terms. Terms used in ยงยง44-8-30 to 44-8-35,...
Section 44-8-30 - Certificate of release--Conditions. - 44-8-30. Certificate of release--Conditions. Any officer or duly appointed agent...
Section 44-8-31 - Requirements of certificate of release. - 44-8-31. Requirements of certificate of release. A certificate of release...
Section 44-8-32 - Execution and acknowledgment of certificate of release--Appointment of agent. - 44-8-32. Execution and acknowledgment of certificate of release--Appointment of agent....
Section 44-8-33 - Certificate of release prima facie evidence--Recording. - 44-8-33. Certificate of release prima facie evidence--Recording. For purposes of...
Section 44-8-34 - Recording certificate of release in multiple counties. - 44-8-34. Recording certificate of release in multiple counties. If the...
Section 44-8-35 - Application of certificate of release only to certain mortgages. - 44-8-35. Application of certificate of release only to certain mortgages....