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Section 42-7A-1 - Definitions. - 42-7A-1. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean: (1)"Associated equipment,"...
Section 42-7A-2 - South Dakota Lottery established--Administration by executive director--Overall control and operation of games. - 42-7A-2. South Dakota Lottery established--Administration by executive director--Overall control and...
Section 42-7A-3 - Executive director--Salary--Employment of personnel. - 42-7A-3. Executive director--Salary--Employment of personnel. The executive director shall be...
Section 42-7A-4 - Functions of executive director. - 42-7A-4. Functions of executive director. The executive director may, subject...
Section 42-7A-5 - Competitive bidding required before entering into contracts. - 42-7A-5. Competitive bidding required before entering into contracts. If entering...
Section 42-7A-6 - Investigation of vendors. - 42-7A-6. Investigation of vendors. Before a contract for a major...
Section 42-7A-7 - Subpoenas--Order to comply--Punishment by contempt. - 42-7A-7. Subpoenas--Order to comply--Punishment by contempt. Subpoenas issued under the...
Section 42-7A-8 - Additional functions of executive director. - 42-7A-8. Additional functions of executive director. The executive director shall:...
Section 42-7A-9 - Lottery expenses and prizes to be paid from lottery funds--General funds not to be used or obligated--Exception. - 42-7A-9. Lottery expenses and prizes to be paid from lottery...
Section 42-7A-10 - Selection of lottery retailers. - 42-7A-10. Selection of lottery retailers. The executive director shall select...
Section 42-7A-11 - Lottery retailers application fee--Annual renewal of contracts--Contracts not transferable or assignable. - 42-7A-11. Lottery retailers application fee--Annual renewal of contracts--Contracts not transferable...
Section 42-7A-12 - Issuance of lottery retailer certificate--Display--Sales only at location on certificate. - 42-7A-12. Issuance of lottery retailer certificate--Display--Sales only at location on...
Section 42-7A-13 - Qualifications of lottery retailer. - 42-7A-13. Qualifications of lottery retailer. To be selected as a...
Section 42-7A-14 - Persons ineligible to be licensed by the lottery--Criminal background investigation of applicants, licensees, vendors, and employees. - 42-7A-14. Persons ineligible to be licensed by the lottery--Criminal background...
Section 42-7A-15 - Partnership as lottery retailer or video lottery machine operator. - 42-7A-15. Partnership as lottery retailer or video lottery machine operator....
Section 42-7A-16 - Association or corporation as lottery retailer or video lottery machine operator. - 42-7A-16. Association or corporation as lottery retailer or video lottery...
Section 42-7A-17 - Lottery Commission created--Appointment of members--Term of office--Qualifications--Chair. - 42-7A-17. Lottery Commission created--Appointment of members--Term of office--Qualifications--Chair. There is...
Section 42-7A-18 - Meetings--Quorum. - 42-7A-18. Meetings--Quorum. The commission shall meet at least once a...
Section 42-7A-19 - Commission to establish lottery operation policy--Approval of major procurements. - 42-7A-19. Commission to establish lottery operation policy--Approval of major procurements....
Section 42-7A-19.1 - Sale of lottery products within exterior boundaries of Indian reservations. - 42-7A-19.1. Sale of lottery products within exterior boundaries of Indian...
Section 42-7A-20 - Mileage and per diem paid commission members--Exception. - 42-7A-20. Mileage and per diem paid commission members--Exception. The members...
Section 42-7A-21 - Rules and regulations. - 42-7A-21. Rules and regulations. The commission shall promulgate rules pursuant...
Section 42-7A-22 - Lottery operating fund--Continuous appropriation--Informational budget--Disbursements. - 42-7A-22. Lottery operating fund--Continuous appropriation--Informational budget--Disbursements. There is established within...
Section 42-7A-23 - Amount from sale of tickets allocated for payment of prizes--Means of payment for prizes. - 42-7A-23. Amount from sale of tickets allocated for payment of...
Section 42-7A-24 - Transfer of net proceeds to state funds. - 42-7A-24. Transfer of net proceeds to state funds. Net proceeds...
Section 42-7A-24.1 - Acceptance and expenditure of funds obtained from federal sources, gifts, contributions and other sources. - 42-7A-24.1. Acceptance and expenditure of funds obtained from federal sources,...
Section 42-7A-24.2 - Payment of expenditures. - 42-7A-24.2. Payment of expenditures. Expenditures authorized by this chapter from...
Section 42-7A-25 - Employment and direction of investigative personnel. - 42-7A-25. Employment and direction of investigative personnel. The executive director...
Section 42-7A-26 - Appointment of assistant attorney general to assist in enforcement. - 42-7A-26. Appointment of assistant attorney general to assist in enforcement....
Section 42-7A-27 - Commission members or lottery employees not to have interest in lottery contracts or to accept gifts or loans from persons or businesses contracting with lottery--Violation as misdemeanor. - 42-7A-27. Commission members or lottery employees not to have interest...
Section 42-7A-28 - Persons contracting to supply materials, tickets or consulting services not to give gifts or loans to commission members or lottery employees--Violation as misdemeanor. - 42-7A-28. Persons contracting to supply materials, tickets or consulting services...
Section 42-7A-29 - Removal from office for violation of conflict of interest provisions--Application of other conflict of interest statutes. - 42-7A-29. Removal from office for violation of conflict of interest...
Section 42-7A-30 - Counterfeiting lottery tickets Class 6 felony. - 42-7A-30. Counterfeiting lottery tickets Class 6 felony. Any person who,...
Section 42-7A-31 - Sale of tickets at price greater than that fixed by rules prohibited--Sale by authorized retailer only--Violation. - 42-7A-31. Sale of tickets at price greater than that fixed...
Section 42-7A-32 - Sale of ticket to person under eighteen prohibited--Violation--Gift of ticket to person under eighteen permitted--Prize paid to parent or guardian. - 42-7A-32. Sale of ticket to person under eighteen prohibited--Violation--Gift of...
Section 42-7A-33 - Purchase of ticket or payment of prize to certain persons prohibited--Exceptions. - 42-7A-33. Purchase of ticket or payment of prize to certain...
Section 42-7A-34 - Prize paid to holder of winning ticket--Deceased winner's prize paid to representative--Right to prize nonassignable--Prizes subject to taxation--Disposition of unclaimed prize--Liability of lottery after payment of prize. - 42-7A-34. Prize paid to holder of winning ticket--Deceased winner's prize...
Section 42-7A-36 - Certain mechanical or electronic devices prohibited--Violation as felony--Devices as nuisances. - 42-7A-36. Certain mechanical or electronic devices prohibited--Violation as felony--Devices as...
Section 42-7A-37 - Requirements for licensed video lottery machines. - 42-7A-37. Requirements for licensed video lottery machines. Each video lottery...
Section 42-7A-37.1 - Restrictions on licensed establishment. - 42-7A-37.1. Restrictions on licensed establishment. A business licensed pursuant to...
Section 42-7A-38 - Limit on amount played and awards given. - 42-7A-38. Limit on amount played and awards given. A video...
Section 42-7A-39 - Display of license for video lottery machine--Confiscation--Violation as felony. - 42-7A-39. Display of license for video lottery machine--Confiscation--Violation as felony....
Section 42-7A-40 - Examination of video lottery machines--Costs paid by manufacturer--Contract for examination. - 42-7A-40. Examination of video lottery machines--Costs paid by manufacturer--Contract for...
Section 42-7A-41 - Video lottery machine manufacturer, distributor, operator, and establishment licenses required--Fees. - 42-7A-41. Video lottery machine manufacturer, distributor, operator, and establishment licenses...
Section 42-7A-41.1 - Video lottery operating fund established. - 42-7A-41.1. Video lottery operating fund established. There is created in...
Section 42-7A-41.2 - Posting video lottery odds required. - 42-7A-41.2. Posting video lottery odds required. The odds of winning...
Section 42-7A-42 - Multiple types of licenses prohibited. - 42-7A-42. Multiple types of licenses prohibited. A video lottery machine...
Section 42-7A-43 - Background investigation of video lottery licensees--Eligibility requirements. - 42-7A-43. Background investigation of video lottery licensees--Eligibility requirements. Any person...
Section 42-7A-44 - Rules for placement of video lottery machines--Number limited--Placement in bar or lounge with on-sale license. - 42-7A-44. Rules for placement of video lottery machines--Number limited--Placement in...
Section 42-7A-44.1 - Denial or revocation of license for noncompliance. - 42-7A-44.1. Denial or revocation of license for noncompliance. The commission...
Section 42-7A-45 - Video lottery machine income--Remittance to state--False report as felony--Records--Penalty. - 42-7A-45. Video lottery machine income--Remittance to state--False report as felony--Records--Penalty....
Section 42-7A-46 - Tampering with video lottery machine as misdemeanor. - 42-7A-46. Tampering with video lottery machine as misdemeanor. Any person...
Section 42-7A-47 - Manipulating outcome, payoff, or operation of video lottery machine as felony. - 42-7A-47. Manipulating outcome, payoff, or operation of video lottery machine...
Section 42-7A-48 - Age limit and legal hours of operation for video lottery machines. - 42-7A-48. Age limit and legal hours of operation for video...
Section 42-7A-49 - Lottery products on Indian reservations authorized. - 42-7A-49. Lottery products on Indian reservations authorized. The lottery may...
Section 42-7A-50 - Confidentiality of lottery records. - 42-7A-50. Confidentiality of lottery records. Information and records of the...
Section 42-7A-51 - Lottery setoff program established--Computerized file of persons owing state. - 42-7A-51. Lottery setoff program established--Computerized file of persons owing state....
Section 42-7A-52 - Debt setoff from prize due--Notice of right to appeal--Time limitation--Transfer of setoff amount to agency. - 42-7A-52. Debt setoff from prize due--Notice of right to appeal--Time...
Section 42-7A-53 - Commission, employees, and lottery discharged from liability. - 42-7A-53. Commission, employees, and lottery discharged from liability. The members...
Section 42-7A-54 - Apportionment of prize among agencies--Priority of child support payments. - 42-7A-54. Apportionment of prize among agencies--Priority of child support payments....
Section 42-7A-55 - Collection of remainder of debt. - 42-7A-55. Collection of remainder of debt. If the prize is...
Section 42-7A-56 - Public policy declared. - 42-7A-56. Public policy declared. The Legislature hereby finds, and declares...
Section 42-7A-57 - Approval or disapproval of license applications. - 42-7A-57. Approval or disapproval of license applications. The executive director...
Section 42-7A-58 - Reapplication for license after denial or revocation. - 42-7A-58. Reapplication for license after denial or revocation. Any applicant...
Section 42-7A-59 - False statements in license applications--Perjury. - 42-7A-59. False statements in license applications--Perjury. No person may knowingly...
Section 42-7A-60 - Executive or closed meetings permitted. - 42-7A-60. Executive or closed meetings permitted. In addition to the...
Section 42-7A-62 - Collection of fee--Deposit in general fund. - 42-7A-62. Collection of fee--Deposit in general fund. In addition to...
Section 42-7A-63 - State's percentage of net machine income--Deposit into general fund and video lottery operating fund. - 42-7A-63. State's percentage of net machine income--Deposit into general fund...
Section 42-7A-64 - Additional criteria for on-sale alcoholic beverage licensees in video lottery licensed establishments. - 42-7A-64. Additional criteria for on-sale alcoholic beverage licensees in video...