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Section 34-20D-1 - Sale of packages containing pseudoephedrine or ephedrine--Number in single transaction limited--Exception--Misdemeanor. - 34-20D-1. Sale of packages containing pseudoephedrine or ephedrine--Number in single...
Section 34-20D-2 - Purchase of packages containing pseudoephedrine or ephedrine--Number in single transaction limited--Exception--Misdemeanor. - 34-20D-2. Purchase of packages containing pseudoephedrine or ephedrine--Number in single...
Section 34-20D-3 - Requirements for display and offer of product containing pseudoephedrine or ephedrine as active ingredient. - 34-20D-3. Requirements for display and offer of product containing pseudoephedrine...
Section 34-20D-5 - Posting of notice. - 34-20D-5. Posting of notice. A retailer shall post notice at...
Section 34-20D-6 - Civil liability for sale of product. - 34-20D-6. Civil liability for sale of product. No employee or...
Section 34-20D-7 - County or municipality prohibited from establishing higher requirements or penalties. - 34-20D-7. County or municipality prohibited from establishing higher requirements or...
Section 34-20D-8 - Identification and record of buyer of product containing pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine--Reporting--Stop-sale alert. - 34-20D-8. Identification and record of buyer of product containing pseudoephedrine,...
Section 34-20D-8.1 - Waiver of electronic reporting--Disclosure of record to law enforcement. - 34-20D-8.1. Waiver of electronic reporting--Disclosure of record to law enforcement....
Section 34-20D-9 - Immunity from civil liability for good faith release of information to law enforcement. - 34-20D-9. Immunity from civil liability for good faith release of...
Section 34-20D-10 - Possession of product, mixture, or preparation containing ephedrine base, pseudoephedrine base, or phenylpropanolamine base restricted--Exception--Misdemeanor. - 34-20D-10. Possession of product, mixture, or preparation containing ephedrine base,...
Section 34-20D-11 - Real-time electronic record-keeping system--Calculation of purchase limitations--Private vendor. - 34-20D-11. Real-time electronic record-keeping system--Calculation of purchase limitations--Private vendor. The...
Section 34-20D-12 - Law enforcement access to electronic record-keeping system. - 34-20D-12. Law enforcement access to electronic record-keeping system. The attorney...