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Section 31-19-1 - Right-of-way and borrow pit--Purchase or condemnation--Proceedings. - 31-19-1. Right-of-way and borrow pit--Purchase or condemnation--Proceedings. The land or...
Section 31-19-1.1 - Acquisition of land to provide for relocation of utility lines and facilities displaced by highway project--Use--Rules. - 31-19-1.1. Acquisition of land to provide for relocation of utility...
Section 31-19-1.2 - Owner or operator of utility lines or facilities not required to relocate to acquired easement or fee interest in real estate. - 31-19-1.2. Owner or operator of utility lines or facilities not...
Section 31-19-2 - Resolution of necessity--Recordation and filing. - 31-19-2. Resolution of necessity--Recordation and filing. Before acquiring land or...
Section 31-19-3 - Condemnation--Petition--Parties defendant--Contents of petition--Verification. - 31-19-3. Condemnation--Petition--Parties defendant--Contents of petition--Verification. If land or material is...
Section 31-19-4 - Pleadings necessary--Interpleader--Compensation only issue. - 31-19-4. Pleadings necessary--Interpleader--Compensation only issue. No pleading other than the...
Section 31-19-6 - Notice in register of deeds' office--Contents of notice--Effect of notice. - 31-19-6. Notice in register of deeds' office--Contents of notice--Effect of...
Section 31-19-7 - Summons to defendants--Contents--Time for response. - 31-19-7. Summons to defendants--Contents--Time for response. At any time after...
Section 31-19-8 - Service of summons--Unknown parties--Publication of summons. - 31-19-8. Service of summons--Unknown parties--Publication of summons. The summons under...
Section 31-19-9 - Notice annexed to publication--Contents--Time of publication--Applicability of general rules respecting publication of summons. - 31-19-9. Notice annexed to publication--Contents--Time of publication--Applicability of general rules...
Section 31-19-10 - Personal service on nonresident defendant. - 31-19-10. Personal service on nonresident defendant. Personal service on any...
Section 31-19-10.1 - Demand for hearing on question of necessity--Waiver of right to question--Finding of necessity as binding on all persons. - 31-19-10.1. Demand for hearing on question of necessity--Waiver of right...
Section 31-19-11 - Defaulting defendants--Affidavit of default--Summoning jurors--Procedure for summoning. - 31-19-11. Defaulting defendants--Affidavit of default--Summoning jurors--Procedure for summoning. If no...
Section 31-19-12 - Hearing at special term--Rights of defendants--Rules of civil procedure applicable. - 31-19-12. Hearing at special term--Rights of defendants--Rules of civil procedure...
Section 31-19-13 - Conduct of proceedings--Notice of trial. - 31-19-13. Conduct of proceedings--Notice of trial. As to all the...
Section 31-19-14 - Continuance respecting unserved defendants. - 31-19-14. Continuance respecting unserved defendants. As to all defendants not...
Section 31-19-15 - View of premises by jury. - 31-19-15. View of premises by jury. Upon the demand of...
Section 31-19-16 - Compensation ascertained by jury--Separate verdicts for separate tracts. - 31-19-16. Compensation ascertained by jury--Separate verdicts for separate tracts. If...
Section 31-19-17 - Benefits to defendant as affecting compensation. - 31-19-17. Benefits to defendant as affecting compensation. In all cases...
Section 31-19-18 - Return of verdict--Recordation--Judgment--Deposit in favor of nonappearing defendants--Possession of land awarded to state. - 31-19-18. Return of verdict--Recordation--Judgment--Deposit in favor of nonappearing defendants--Possession of...
Section 31-19-19 - Compensation paid out of state highway funds as part of cost of state trunk highway. - 31-19-19. Compensation paid out of state highway funds as part...
Section 31-19-20 - Purchase or condemnation of land outside right-of-way--Payment--Procedure. - 31-19-20. Purchase or condemnation of land outside right-of-way--Payment--Procedure. Whenever any...
Section 31-19-20.1 - Acquisition of easement or fee interest for relocation of utility line or facilities not evidence in chapter 21-35 action. - 31-19-20.1. Acquisition of easement or fee interest for relocation of...
Section 31-19-21 - Procedure as cumulative--General condemnation rules not impaired. - 31-19-21. Procedure as cumulative--General condemnation rules not impaired. Nothing in...
Section 31-19-23 - Procedure to effect immediate taking--Declaration of taking--Contents of declaration. - 31-19-23. Procedure to effect immediate taking--Declaration of taking--Contents of declaration....
Section 31-19-24 - Title vesting in state or municipality--Right to compensation vesting in owner--Effective date. - 31-19-24. Title vesting in state or municipality--Right to compensation vesting...
Section 31-19-25 - Time for surrender of possession--Notice to nonappearing defendants--Order of possession--Notice and hearing--Power of court. - 31-19-25. Time for surrender of possession--Notice to nonappearing defendants--Order of...
Section 31-19-26 - Service of declaration of taking--Registered or certified mail. - 31-19-26. Service of declaration of taking--Registered or certified mail. A...
Section 31-19-28 - Court deposit of money required for taking--Expediting distribution of money. - 31-19-28. Court deposit of money required for taking--Expediting distribution of...
Section 31-19-29 - Payment of moneys on deposit--Payment of additional moneys after award is made. - 31-19-29. Payment of moneys on deposit--Payment of additional moneys after...
Section 31-19-30 - Payment to owner--Receipt by owner--Contents of receipt. - 31-19-30. Payment to owner--Receipt by owner--Contents of receipt. Every owner...
Section 31-19-31 - Priority of proceedings to determine just compensation. - 31-19-31. Priority of proceedings to determine just compensation. Court proceedings...
Section 31-19-32 - Right to jury trial--Waiver--Placing cause on calendar without notice. - 31-19-32. Right to jury trial--Waiver--Placing cause on calendar without notice....
Section 31-19-33 - Trial on question of just compensation--Judgment--Interest on award--Interest on amounts already deposited in court. - 31-19-33. Trial on question of just compensation--Judgment--Interest on award--Interest on...
Section 31-19-34 - Compensation exceeding amounts already distributed--Judgment for deficiency--Compensation for less than amount already distributed--Judgment against defendant. - 31-19-34. Compensation exceeding amounts already distributed--Judgment for deficiency--Compensation for less...
Section 31-19-35 - Prohibition against abandoning condemnation proceeding. - 31-19-35. Prohibition against abandoning condemnation proceeding. A proceeding to condemn...
Section 31-19-36 - Expenditure of public funds on condemned land before final judgment--Opinion of attorney general respecting title. - 31-19-36. Expenditure of public funds on condemned land before final...
Section 31-19-37 - Stipulation by attorney general excluding parts of condemned property--Municipal attorney to act for municipality. - 31-19-37. Stipulation by attorney general excluding parts of condemned property--Municipal...
Section 31-19-38 - Appeal as not delaying proceeding. - 31-19-38. Appeal as not delaying proceeding. No appeal in any...
Section 31-19-40 - Procedure as cumulative. - 31-19-40. Procedure as cumulative. Nothing in §§31-19-23 to 31-19-38, inclusive,...
Section 31-19-41.1 - Uneconomic remnant from land acquisition by county or first or second class municipality. - 31-19-41.1. Uneconomic remnant from land acquisition by county or first...
Section 31-19-42 - Acquisition of fee ownership in real estate where uneconomic remnants of land would result or severance damages would be less economical. - 31-19-42. Acquisition of fee ownership in real estate where uneconomic...
Section 31-19-43 - Title to land. - 31-19-43. Title to land. Land acquired pursuant to §31-19-42 is...
Section 31-19-44 - Lease of non-right-of-way property. - 31-19-44. Lease of non-right-of-way property. The Department of Transportation may...
Section 31-19-45 - Sale of non-right-of-way property. - 31-19-45. Sale of non-right-of-way property. The Department of Transportation is...
Section 31-19-46 - Exchange of non-right-of-way property. - 31-19-46. Exchange of non-right-of-way property. Notwithstanding § 31-2-27, the Department...
Section 31-19-47 - Owner's agreement with state relinquishing possession pending determination of damages--Interest pending payment of damages--Tender of payment. - 31-19-47. Owner's agreement with state relinquishing possession pending determination of...
Section 31-19-48 - Tender of estimated compensation--Landowner's rights unaffected by tender or acceptance. - 31-19-48. Tender of estimated compensation--Landowner's rights unaffected by tender or...
Section 31-19-49 - Financial assistance to persons displaced by highway acquisition. - 31-19-49. Financial assistance to persons displaced by highway acquisition. If...
Section 31-19-49.1 - Financial assistance when federal funds are unavailable. - 31-19-49.1. Financial assistance when federal funds are unavailable. If federal...
Section 31-19-60 - Lands no longer needed--Reversion of condemned lands--Sale of lands acquired by gift, devise or purchase--Purchase by abutting landowner--Right of use by utility. - 31-19-60. Lands no longer needed--Reversion of condemned lands--Sale of lands...
Section 31-19-63 - Transfer of right-of-way between state and political subdivisions. - 31-19-63. Transfer of right-of-way between state and political subdivisions. The...
Section 31-19-63.1 - Transfer of right-of-way to federal government or Indian tribe. - 31-19-63.1. Transfer of right-of-way to federal government or Indian tribe....
Section 31-19-64 - Order or resolution to transfer right-of-way--Conveyance--Effect. - 31-19-64. Order or resolution to transfer right-of-way--Conveyance--Effect. If the Department...
Section 31-19-65 - Functional replacement of real property in public ownership. - 31-19-65. Functional replacement of real property in public ownership. The...