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Section 31-13-1 - Township road system--Township board responsible for township roads. - 31-13-1. Township road system--Township board responsible for township roads. The...
Section 31-13-1.1 - Designation of minimum maintenance road--Level of maintenance. - 31-13-1.1. Designation of minimum maintenance road--Level of maintenance. The board...
Section 31-13-1.2 - Posting of warning signs on minimum maintenance roads. - 31-13-1.2. Posting of warning signs on minimum maintenance roads. The...
Section 31-13-1.3 - Designation of full and minimum maintenance roads at annual meeting--Map. - 31-13-1.3. Designation of full and minimum maintenance roads at annual...
Section 31-13-1.4 - Designation of no maintenance section line. - 31-13-1.4. Designation of no maintenance section line. The board of...
Section 31-13-1.5 - Posting of signs on no maintenance section line. - 31-13-1.5. Posting of signs on no maintenance section line. The...
Section 31-13-1.6 - Designation of road unsafe for vehicle travel as no maintenance road. - 31-13-1.6. Designation of road unsafe for vehicle travel as no...
Section 31-13-1.7 - Posting of signs that no vehicle travel is advised on no maintenance road. - 31-13-1.7. Posting of signs that no vehicle travel is advised...
Section 31-13-2 - Designation of board member as overseer--Compensation. - 31-13-2. Designation of board member as overseer--Compensation. The board of...
Section 31-13-3 - Hiring of help authorized. - 31-13-3. Hiring of help authorized. The township supervisors may hire...
Section 31-13-3.1 - Secondary road capital improvement fund. - 31-13-3.1. Secondary road capital improvement fund. The township board of...
Section 31-13-4 - Width of highway grades. - 31-13-4. Width of highway grades. Plans and specifications for contracts...
Section 31-13-7 - Written contracts required when let without advertising--Performance bond. - 31-13-7. Written contracts required when let without advertising--Performance bond. Contracts...
Section 31-13-8 - Payments on contracts. - 31-13-8. Payments on contracts. All work done under any contract...
Section 31-13-9 - Restriction on progress payments. - 31-13-9. Restriction on progress payments. In no case shall more...
Section 31-13-10 - Township highway tax. - 31-13-10. Township highway tax. There shall be voted and levied...
Section 31-13-11 - Township highway tax--Certification to county auditor--Collection. - 31-13-11. Township highway tax--Certification to county auditor--Collection. It shall be...
Section 31-13-12 - County aid roads--Designation by county commissioners. - 31-13-12. County aid roads--Designation by county commissioners. The board of...
Section 31-13-13 - Joint contracts for construction and maintenance of township roads. - 31-13-13. Joint contracts for construction and maintenance of township roads....
Section 31-13-14 - Motor vehicle license fees transferable to county. - 31-13-14. Motor vehicle license fees transferable to county. Each organized...
Section 31-13-15 - Road districts. - 31-13-15. Road districts. Each organized township may divide the roads...
Section 31-13-16 - Petition for improvement of road district--Notice to property owners. - 31-13-16. Petition for improvement of road district--Notice to property owners....
Section 31-13-17 - Hearing on road district improvement--Assessments for improvement. - 31-13-17. Hearing on road district improvement--Assessments for improvement. At the...
Section 31-13-18 - Affidavit of township failure to maintain mail route--Service of affidavit and notice on township. - 31-13-18. Affidavit of township failure to maintain mail route--Service of...
Section 31-13-19 - County maintenance and repair of mail route or failure by township. - 31-13-19. County maintenance and repair of mail route or failure...
Section 31-13-20 - Payment from township funds for county repair and maintenance of mail routes--Expense limitation. - 31-13-20. Payment from township funds for county repair and maintenance...
Section 31-13-21 - Registration of warrants when township funds insufficient to pay for repair of mail route--Call for payment. - 31-13-21. Registration of warrants when township funds insufficient to pay...
Section 31-13-22 - Township snow removal reserve fund--Tax levy. - 31-13-22. Township snow removal reserve fund--Tax levy. The board of...
Section 31-13-23 - Intent of snow removal reserve fund law. - 31-13-23. Intent of snow removal reserve fund law. The intent...
Section 31-13-24 - Expenditures from snow removal reserve fund. - 31-13-24. Expenditures from snow removal reserve fund. All money collected...
Section 31-13-25 - Purposes of snow removal reserve fund. - 31-13-25. Purposes of snow removal reserve fund. The township snow...
Section 31-13-26 - Contracts for snow removal and repair of damages. - 31-13-26. Contracts for snow removal and repair of damages. After...
Section 31-13-27 - Snow removal contracts with or without advertising. - 31-13-27. Snow removal contracts with or without advertising. Contracts pursuant...
Section 31-13-27.1 - Snow creating emergency--Expenditures for removal without advertising for bids. - 31-13-27.1. Snow creating emergency--Expenditures for removal without advertising for bids....
Section 31-13-28 - Accumulation of unexpended money as snow removal moneys. - 31-13-28. Accumulation of unexpended money as snow removal moneys. Any...
Section 31-13-29 - Authority of township to open snowbound roads used for school bus routes. - 31-13-29. Authority of township to open snowbound roads used for...
Section 31-13-30 - Street improvements in unincorporated towns. - 31-13-30. Street improvements in unincorporated towns. Whenever any unincorporated town...
Section 31-13-31 - Validation of construction and repair contracts between townships and residents or landowners. - 31-13-31. Validation of construction and repair contracts between townships and...
Section 31-13-32 - Improvement of platted streets by special assessment--Definition of terms. - 31-13-32. Improvement of platted streets by special assessment--Definition of terms....
Section 31-13-33 - Supervisors' resolution of necessity for improvement--Contents. - 31-13-33. Supervisors' resolution of necessity for improvement--Contents. Whenever the board...
Section 31-13-34 - Combining of streets in one resolution--Uniformity required. - 31-13-34. Combining of streets in one resolution--Uniformity required. The improvement...
Section 31-13-35 - Combining of streets in one resolution when improvements not uniform. - 31-13-35. Combining of streets in one resolution when improvements not...
Section 31-13-36 - Township assumption of cost--Referendum. - 31-13-36. Township assumption of cost--Referendum. If it is deemed expedient...
Section 31-13-37 - Publication of resolution--Notice of supervisors' meeting--Hearing of objections. - 31-13-37. Publication of resolution--Notice of supervisors' meeting--Hearing of objections. The...
Section 31-13-38 - Resolution not requiring publication. - 31-13-38. Resolution not requiring publication. If the improvement is petitioned...
Section 31-13-39 - Notice by mail to property owners--Contents--Address to which sent. - 31-13-39. Notice by mail to property owners--Contents--Address to which sent....
Section 31-13-40 - Consideration of objections to improvement--Adoption of resolution--Notice to owners added by amendment. - 31-13-40. Consideration of objections to improvement--Adoption of resolution--Notice to owners...
Section 31-13-41 - Waiting period before actions on improvement--Ratification of prior actions. - 31-13-41. Waiting period before actions on improvement--Ratification of prior actions....
Section 31-13-42 - Apportionment of benefits of improvement. - 31-13-42. Apportionment of benefits of improvement. In the circumstances mentioned...
Section 31-13-43 - Costs paid by township--Deduction before assessment to property. - 31-13-43. Costs paid by township--Deduction before assessment to property. If...
Section 31-13-44 - Assessment of costs to abutting property--Computation on front foot basis. - 31-13-44. Assessment of costs to abutting property--Computation on front foot...
Section 31-13-45 - Assessment to nearby property of intersection costs. - 31-13-45. Assessment to nearby property of intersection costs. The cost...
Section 31-13-46 - Assessment according to special benefits--Investigation of benefits. - 31-13-46. Assessment according to special benefits--Investigation of benefits. In lieu...
Section 31-13-47 - Intersection cost assumed by township. - 31-13-47. Intersection cost assumed by township. In the resolution of...
Section 31-13-48 - Corner lot costs assumed by township or assessed to other property. - 31-13-48. Corner lot costs assumed by township or assessed to...
Section 31-13-49 - Cost assumed by township when street has been previously improved. - 31-13-49. Cost assumed by township when street has been previously...
Section 31-13-50 - Use of special assessment law. - 31-13-50. Use of special assessment law. Notwithstanding the provisions of...
Section 31-13-51 - Annual front foot assessment for maintenance and repairs. - 31-13-51. Annual front foot assessment for maintenance and repairs. The...
Section 31-13-52 - Levy of special assessments--Addition to general levy--Review and equalization. - 31-13-52. Levy of special assessments--Addition to general levy--Review and equalization....
Section 31-13-53 - Records maintained by township clerk--Destruction of certain records. - 31-13-53. Records maintained by township clerk--Destruction of certain records. The...
Section 31-13-54 - Contracts and assessments not invalidated by defects--Supervisors' determination conclusive. - 31-13-54. Contracts and assessments not invalidated by defects--Supervisors' determination conclusive....
Section 31-13-55 - Indemnity requirement for construction or survey work within road right-of-way. - 31-13-55. Indemnity requirement for construction or survey work within road...
Section 31-13-56 - Removal of baled or stacked foliage from right-of-way--Violation as petty offense. - 31-13-56. Removal of baled or stacked foliage from right-of-way--Violation as...
Section 31-13-57 - Private landowner assessed for erosion repair costs. - 31-13-57. Private landowner assessed for erosion repair costs. If any...
Section 31-13-58 - Approval of conservation district for repair of erosion damage--Notice to landowner--Declaration. - 31-13-58. Approval of conservation district for repair of erosion damage--Notice...