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Section 28-17-1 - County to employ funeral director to supervise burial or cremation of indigent person. - 28-17-1. County to employ funeral director to supervise burial or...
Section 28-17-2 - Funeral expense borne by county of residence or where death occurred. - 28-17-2. Funeral expense borne by county of residence or where...
Section 28-17-3 - Selection of funeral director--Decision regarding burial or cremation--Advertising for bids prohibited. - 28-17-3. Selection of funeral director--Decision regarding burial or cremation--Advertising for...
Section 28-17-4 - Services required of funeral director--Sum allowed. - 28-17-4. Services required of funeral director--Sum allowed. On county burials,...
Section 28-17-5 - Contract for burial space and cemetery services. - 28-17-5. Contract for burial space and cemetery services. In addition...
Section 28-17-6 - Payment of expenses by county--Reimbursement by county of residency--Conduct of funeral and payment of expenses for deceased veterans. - 28-17-6. Payment of expenses by county--Reimbursement by county of residency--Conduct...