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Section 28-6-1 - Provision of medical services and remedial care authorized--Rules. - 28-6-1. Provision of medical services and remedial care authorized--Rules. The...
Section 28-6-1.1 - Establishment of fee schedules--Posting of fees, changes--Applicability of chapter 1-26. - 28-6-1.1. Establishment of fee schedules--Posting of fees, changes--Applicability of chapter...
Section 28-6-1.2 - Reimbursement schedule for certain services--Medicaid program. - 28-6-1.2. Reimbursement schedule for certain services--Medicaid program. The Department of...
Section 28-6-3.1 - Disposal of assets at less than fair market value--Effect on eligibility. - 28-6-3.1. Disposal of assets at less than fair market value--Effect...
Section 28-6-4.5 - Public funds not to be used for abortion except to save life of mother. - 28-6-4.5. Public funds not to be used for abortion except...
Section 28-6-5 - Opportunity provided to apply for assistance--Assistance furnished promptly. - 28-6-5. Opportunity provided to apply for assistance--Assistance furnished promptly. Any...
Section 28-6-6 - Fair hearing on denial or delay in assistance. - 28-6-6. Fair hearing on denial or delay in assistance. The...
Section 28-6-7.1 - Acceptance of assistance as assignment and subrogation of support rights and insurance proceeds--Liability of insurer or attorney. - 28-6-7.1. Acceptance of assistance as assignment and subrogation of support...
Section 28-6-16 - Definition of terms. - 28-6-16. Definition of terms. Terms used in §§28-6-16 to 28-6-22,...
Section 28-6-17 - Income and resources of spouses in long-term care--Division--Notice--Hearing. - 28-6-17. Income and resources of spouses in long-term care--Division--Notice--Hearing. The...
Section 28-6-18 - Promulgation of rules regarding income and resources in long-term care. - 28-6-18. Promulgation of rules regarding income and resources in long-term...
Section 28-6-20 - Effect of 28-6-16 to 28-6-22, inclusive, on other statutes. - 28-6-20. Effect of 28-6-16 to 28-6-22, inclusive, on other statutes....
Section 28-6-21 - Application of 28-6-17. - 28-6-21. Application of 28-6-17. The determination of the spousal share...
Section 28-6-22 - Application of 28-6-16 to 28-6-22, inclusive. - 28-6-22. Application of 28-6-16 to 28-6-22, inclusive. The deeming of...
Section 28-6-23 - Medical assistance as debt to department--Recovery of debt. - 28-6-23. Medical assistance as debt to department--Recovery of debt. Any...
Section 28-6-23.1 - Limiting financial responsibility of estate of surviving spouse. - 28-6-23.1. Limiting financial responsibility of estate of surviving spouse. A...
Section 28-6-24 - Medical assistance lien against real property. - 28-6-24. Medical assistance lien against real property. Any payment of...
Section 28-6-25 - Filing medical assistance real estate lien. - 28-6-25. Filing medical assistance real estate lien. The Department of...
Section 28-6-26 - Exemption to medical assistance lien. - 28-6-26. Exemption to medical assistance lien. Real estate deemed available...
Section 28-6-27 - Priority of medical assistance lien. - 28-6-27. Priority of medical assistance lien. The priority of the...
Section 28-6-28 - Definition of terms. - 28-6-28. Definition of terms. Terms used in §§28-6-28 to 28-6-36,...
Section 28-6-29 - Funding pool established. - 28-6-29. Funding pool established. The department shall establish a funding...
Section 28-6-30 - Payments from funding pool to publicly owned and operated nursing facilities. - 28-6-30. Payments from funding pool to publicly owned and operated...
Section 28-6-31 - Payments to be remitted to department for credit to health care trust fund. - 28-6-31. Payments to be remitted to department for credit to...
Section 28-6-32 - Publicly owned and operated nursing facility may receive and shall remit payments under §§ 28-6-30 and 28-6-31--Exception. - 28-6-32. Publicly owned and operated nursing facility may receive and...
Section 28-6-33 - Code provisions governing investment in health care trust fund. - 28-6-33.Code provisions governing investment in health care trust fund. The...
Section 28-6-34 - Funds appropriated under §28-6-1 may be used for payments under §28-6-30. - 28-6-34. Funds appropriated under §28-6-1 may be used for payments...
Section 28-6-35 - Promulgation of rules regarding health care trust fund and funding pool. - 28-6-35. Promulgation of rules regarding health care trust fund and...
Section 28-6-36 - No entitlement to funds. - 28-6-36. No entitlement to funds. Sections 28-6-28 to 28-6-36, inclusive,...
Section 28-6-37 - Eligibility for nursing and rehabilitative services--Countable assets reduced by long-term care partnership program policy benefits. - 28-6-37. Eligibility for nursing and rehabilitative services--Countable assets reduced by...
Section 28-6-38 - South Dakota long-term care partnership program established. - 28-6-38. South Dakota long-term care partnership program established. The Department...