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Section 26-8C-1 - Purpose of chapter. - 26-8C-1. Purpose of chapter. It is the purpose of this...
Section 26-8C-2 - "Delinquent child" defined. - 26-8C-2."Delinquent child" defined. In this chapter and chapter 26-7A, the...
Section 26-8C-3 - Release--Placement in shelter--Circumstances warranting detention. - 26-8C-3. Release--Placement in shelter--Circumstances warranting detention. An apparent or alleged...
Section 26-8C-3.1 - Risk assessment instrument for statewide use. - 26-8C-3.1. Risk assessment instrument for statewide use. (a) Generally, juveniles...
Section 26-8C-4 - Suspension of adjudication of delinquency--Probation--Revocation of suspension. - 26-8C-4. Suspension of adjudication of delinquency--Probation--Revocation of suspension. If the...
Section 26-8C-5 - Plan of disposition by court services officer following adjudication--Recommendation of community response team. - 26-8C-5. Plan of disposition by court services officer following adjudication--Recommendation...
Section 26-8C-6 - Court-ordered physical or mental health care for child. - 26-8C-6. Court-ordered physical or mental health care for child. Following...
Section 26-8C-7 - Decree of disposition--Contents--Findings. - 26-8C-7. Decree of disposition--Contents--Findings. If a child has been adjudicated...
Section 26-8C-9 - Limit of temporary custody. - 26-8C-9. Limit of temporary custody. An alleged or adjudicated delinquent...
Section 26-8C-11 - Termination of jurisdiction upon successful disposition. - 26-8C-11. Termination of jurisdiction upon successful disposition. Upon the successful...
Section 26-8C-14 - Terms and conditions of probation--Duration--Written statement and explanation required--Review--Release--Modification. - 26-8C-14. Terms and conditions of probation--Duration--Written statement and explanation required--Review--Release--Modification....
Section 26-8C-15 - Provisions for violation of terms and conditions of probation. - 26-8C-15. Provisions for violation of terms and conditions of probation....