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Section 19-2-3 - Physician-patient privilege waived when health of person in issue--Waiver to be closely tailored--In camera review if party objects to discovery. - 19-2-3. Physician-patient privilege waived when health of person in issue--Waiver...
Section 19-2-3.2 - Physician-patient privilege waived in criminal proceeding. - 19-2-3.2. Physician-patient privilege waived in criminal proceeding. In any action...
Section 19-2-8 - Court to advise witnesses as to privileged communications and privilege against self-incrimination. - 19-2-8. Court to advise witnesses as to privileged communications and...
Section 19-2-9 - Protection of privileges of persons not present. - 19-2-9. Protection of privileges of persons not present. In all...
Section 19-2-11 - Self-incrimination provisions not applicable to perjury prosecutions. - 19-2-11. Self-incrimination provisions not applicable to perjury prosecutions. The various...
Section 19-2-12 - No physician-patient privilege if death or substantial bodily harm likely. - 19-2-12. No physician-patient privilege if death or substantial bodily harm...
Section 19-2-13 - Medical privacy. - 19-2-13. Medical privacy. The production of a record of a...
Section 19-2-14 - Definitions pertaining to journalist and newscaster privilege. - 19-2-14. Definitions pertaining to journalist and newscaster privilege. Terms used...
Section 19-2-15 - Journalist and newscaster privilege. - 19-2-15. Journalist and newscaster privilege. A journalist or newscaster who...
Section 19-2-16 - Contempt prohibited for asserting journalist and newscaster privilege. - 19-2-16. Contempt prohibited for asserting journalist and newscaster privilege. Notwithstanding...
Section 19-2-17 - Information to which journalist and newscaster privilege applies. - 19-2-17. Information to which journalist and newscaster privilege applies. The...
Section 19-2-18 - Information obtained in violation of § 19-2-15 inadmissible. - 19-2-18. Information obtained in violation of §19-2-15 inadmissible. Any information...
Section 19-2-19 - Fine or imprisonment prohibited for asserting journalist and newscaster privilege. - 19-2-19. Fine or imprisonment prohibited for asserting journalist and newscaster...
Section 19-2-20 - Journalist and newscaster privilege applies to supervisors and employers. - 19-2-20. Journalist and newscaster privilege applies to supervisors and employers....