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Section 13-52-1 - Acceptance and administration of gifts by regents--Application to specific purposes. - 13-52-1. Acceptance and administration of gifts by regents--Application to specific...
Section 13-52-2 - Certification by attorney general of freedom from obligations on state--Legislative approval required for gifts of real property and building funds. - 13-52-2. Certification by attorney general of freedom from obligations on...
Section 13-52-3 - Acceptance of federal gifts--Governor's approval required--Buildings to be on real property owned by institution. - 13-52-3. Acceptance of federal gifts--Governor's approval required--Buildings to be on...
Section 13-52-4 - Acceptance and use of federal funds for operational purposes and improvements. - 13-52-4. Acceptance and use of federal funds for operational purposes...
Section 13-52-5 - Acceptance and use of federal funds for student aid and special educational programs. - 13-52-5. Acceptance and use of federal funds for student aid...
Section 13-52-6 - Direct endowments--Uses limited. - 13-52-6. Direct endowments--Uses limited. All endowments, gifts, and bequests made...