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Section 13-48-34 - Definitions. - 13-48-34.Definitions. The terms used in this chapter mean: (1)"Accredited" or...
Section 13-48-35 - Certificate of authorization required to provide postsecondary education. - 13-48-35. Certificate of authorization required to provide postsecondary education. No...
Section 13-48-36 - Existing postsecondary institutions authorized to provide educational programs. - 13-48-36. Existing postsecondary institutions authorized to provide educational programs. To...
Section 13-48-37 - Requirements for issuance of certificate of authorization. - 13-48-37. Requirements for issuance of certificate of authorization . The...
Section 13-48-38 - Continuation of authorization of certain institutions. - 13-48-38. Continuation of authorization of certain institutions. Any certificate of...
Section 13-48-38.1 - Annual renewal of certificate of authorization. - 13-48-38.1. Annual renewal of certificate of authorization. Except as provided...
Section 13-48-38.2 - Reinstatement of expired certificate. - 13-48-38.2. Reinstatement of expired certificate. The secretary may reinstate an...
Section 13-48-39 - Registry for authorized postsecondary institutions--Name or location change--Promulgation of rules. - 13-48-39. Registry for authorized postsecondary institutions--Name or location change--Promulgation of...
Section 13-48-40 - Complaints--Enforcement by attorney general. - 13-48-40. Complaints--Enforcement by attorney general . The Office of Attorney...
Section 13-48-41 - Exempt institutions. - 13-48-41. Exempt institutions. The provisions of this chapter do not...
Section 13-48-42 - Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement--National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement's Policies and Standards. - 13-48-42. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education State Authorization Reciprocity...
Section 13-48-43 - Physical location in this state defined. - 13-48-43. Physical location in this state defined. For the purposes...