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Section 13-43-1 - Employment of school board member in same district prohibited. - 13-43-1. Employment of school board member in same district prohibited....
Section 13-43-4 - Written contract required--Execution. - 13-43-4. Written contract required--Execution. A teacher shall be employed only...
Section 13-43-5 - Certificate required before contract signed--Exception when academic training being completed. - 13-43-5. Certificate required before contract signed--Exception when academic training being...
Section 13-43-5.1 - Employment of person with revoked or suspended certificate prohibited. - 13-43-5.1. Employment of person with revoked or suspended certificate prohibited....
Section 13-43-6 - Contents of contract of employment--Distribution of copies--Duration. - 13-43-6. Contents of contract of employment--Distribution of copies--Duration. The contract...
Section 13-43-6.1 - Just cause for termination or nonrenewal of teacher. - 13-43-6.1. Just cause for termination or nonrenewal of teacher. A...
Section 13-43-6.2 - Written notice of intention to recommend nonrenewal--Opportunity for hearing--Time limitations. - 13-43-6.2. Written notice of intention to recommend nonrenewal--Opportunity for hearing--Time...
Section 13-43-6.3 - Nonrenewal of teacher's contract. - 13-43-6.3. Nonrenewal of teacher's contract. Until a teacher is in...
Section 13-43-6.4 - Nonrenewal due to staff reduction. - 13-43-6.4. Nonrenewal due to staff reduction. Notwithstanding §§13-43-6.1 to 13-43-6.3,...
Section 13-43-6.5 - Termination not caused by amount of compensation. - 13-43-6.5. Termination not caused by amount of compensation. A teacher's...
Section 13-43-6.6 - Right to termination on statutory grounds not limited by collective bargaining agreement--Protection of teacher not limited. - 13-43-6.6. Right to termination on statutory grounds not limited by...
Section 13-43-6.7 - Written notice of recommendation for termination--Content--Hearing--Action. - 13-43-6.7. Written notice of recommendation for termination--Content--Hearing--Action. If termination of...
Section 13-43-6.8 - Evidence of delivery of notification of intention to recommend nonrenewal or termination. - 13-43-6.8. Evidence of delivery of notification of intention to recommend...
Section 13-43-6.9 - Evidence of delivery of written request for a hearing. - 13-43-6.9. Evidence of delivery of written request for a hearing....
Section 13-43-15.1 - Right of employee to run for office. - 13-43-15.1. Right of employee to run for office. No employee...
Section 13-43-16 - Declaration of teaching as profession--Persons included. - 13-43-16. Declaration of teaching as profession--Persons included. The Legislature of...
Section 13-43-17 - Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission created--Number and qualifications of members. - 13-43-17. Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission created--Number and qualifications...
Section 13-43-17.1 - Operation within department--Functions--Submission of records and reports. - 13-43-17.1. Operation within department--Functions--Submission of records and reports. The Professional...
Section 13-43-18 - Appointment of members of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission--Terms. - 13-43-18. Appointment of members of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards...
Section 13-43-19 - Vacancies on Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission--Removal of members. - 13-43-19. Vacancies on Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission--Removal of...
Section 13-43-20 - Election of officers of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission--Adoption of rules. - 13-43-20. Election of officers of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards...
Section 13-43-20.1 - Appointment of executive secretary to commission--Employees. - 13-43-20.1. Appointment of executive secretary to commission--Employees. The Professional Teachers...
Section 13-43-21 - Meetings of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission. - 13-43-21. Meetings of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission. The...
Section 13-43-23 - Expenses of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission or Professional Administrators Practices and Standards Commission. - 13-43-23. Expenses of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission or...
Section 13-43-25 - Rules of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission--Code of ethics--Recommendations to boards. - 13-43-25. Rules of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission--Code of...
Section 13-43-28 - Reprimand or disciplinary action for teacher misconduct--Procedure. - 13-43-28. Reprimand or disciplinary action for teacher misconduct--Procedure. After notice...
Section 13-43-28.1 - Complaint requesting revocation or suspension of certificate--Procedure--Decision--Appeal. - 13-43-28.1. Complaint requesting revocation or suspension of certificate--Procedure--Decision--Appeal. If the...
Section 13-43-38 - Professional administrators practices and standards commission--Creation--Number and qualifications of members. - 13-43-38. Professional administrators practices and standards commission--Creation--Number and qualifications of...
Section 13-43-39 - Operation within department--Functions--Submission of records and reports. - 13-43-39. Operation within department--Functions--Submission of records and reports. The Professional...
Section 13-43-40 - Appointment of commission members--Terms. - 13-43-40. Appointment of commission members--Terms. The members of the Professional...
Section 13-43-41 - Vacancies--Removal of members. - 13-43-41. Vacancies--Removal of members. Vacancies on the Professional Administrators Practices...
Section 13-43-42 - Election of officers--Adoption of rules. - 13-43-42. Election of officers--Adoption of rules. The Professional Administrators Practices...
Section 13-43-43 - Appointment of executive secretary--Employees. - 13-43-43. Appointment of executive secretary--Employees. The Professional Administrators Practices and...
Section 13-43-44 - Meetings. - 13-43-44. Meetings. The Professional Administrators Practices and Standards Commission shall...
Section 13-43-45 - Adoption of rules and code of professional ethics--Recommendations to boards. - 13-43-45. Adoption of rules and code of professional ethics--Recommendations to...
Section 13-43-48 - Reprimand or disciplinary action for administrator misconduct--Procedure. - 13-43-48. Reprimand or disciplinary action for administrator misconduct--Procedure. After notice...
Section 13-43-49 - Complaint requesting revocation or suspension of certificate of administrator--Procedure--Decision--Appeal. - 13-43-49. Complaint requesting revocation or suspension of certificate of administrator--Procedure--Decision--Appeal....
Section 13-43-55.1 - Mentor teacher program created--Promulgation of rules--Participation in program. - 13-43-55.1. Mentor teacher program created--Promulgation of rules--Participation in program. There...
Section 13-43-59 - Uncertified administrators subject to code of ethics--Discipline for violation. - 13-43-59. Uncertified administrators subject to code of ethics--Discipline for violation....
Section 13-43-60 - Certification of health of employee. - 13-43-60. Certification of health of employee. If, at any time,...
Section 13-43-61 - Signing bonus––Authorization. - 13-43-61. Signing bonus––Authorization. A school district may offer and, upon...
Section 13-43-62 - Signing bonus––Payment. - 13-43-62. Signing bonus––Payment. A payment authorized in §13-43-61 may be...
Section 13-43-63 - Negotiation with collective bargaining representative. - 13-43-63. Negotiation with collective bargaining representative. A payment authorized in...