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Section 13-14-1 - Contracts with federal agencies--Receipt and expenditure of federal grants. - 13-14-1. Contracts with federal agencies--Receipt and expenditure of federal grants....
Section 13-14-2 - Contracts for federal surplus commodity programs--Receipt and expenditure of federal funds. - 13-14-2. Contracts for federal surplus commodity programs--Receipt and expenditure of...
Section 13-14-3.1 - Federal funds under Mineral Leasing and Taylor Grazing Acts allocated to districts by area of producing lands. - 13-14-3.1. Federal funds under Mineral Leasing and Taylor Grazing Acts...
Section 13-14-3.2 - School district entitlement statement delivered semiannually--Warrants transmitted to districts. - 13-14-3.2. School district entitlement statement delivered semiannually--Warrants transmitted to districts....
Section 13-14-3.3 - Oil well and mine revenue treated as permanent school fund income. - 13-14-3.3. Oil well and mine revenue treated as permanent school...
Section 13-14-4 - School district contracts with federal agencies--Receipt and expenditure of federal grants. - 13-14-4. School district contracts with federal agencies--Receipt and expenditure of...
Section 13-14-5 - Acceptance of gifts and donations to school districts--Agreements, rules, and regulations. - 13-14-5. Acceptance of gifts and donations to school districts--Agreements, rules,...
Section 13-14-13 - Authorization of nonprofit benevolent organizations to solicit and accept private funds for educational and interscholastic activities. - 13-14-13. Authorization of nonprofit benevolent organizations to solicit and accept...
Section 13-14-14 - School board not obligated to accept and organization not obligated to provide funds without agreement as to terms and purposes. - 13-14-14. School board not obligated to accept and organization not...
Section 13-14-15 - Classroom innovation grant program. - 13-14-15. Classroom innovation grant program. There is hereby established in...