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Section 12-22-1 - "Contest" defined. - 12-22-1."Contest" defined. "Contest," as used in ยงยง12-22-1 to 12-22-28, inclusive,...
Section 12-22-2 - Candidate's right to institute contest--Legislative contests excepted. - 12-22-2. Candidate's right to institute contest--Legislative contests excepted. A contest...
Section 12-22-3 - Right to institute contest on submitted question--Judge's permission required. - 12-22-3. Right to institute contest on submitted question--Judge's permission required....
Section 12-22-4 - Electoral candidates' and party chairman's right to institute contest of presidential election. - 12-22-4. Electoral candidates' and party chairman's right to institute contest...
Section 12-22-5 - Time of commencement of contest--Commencement after recount. - 12-22-5. Time of commencement of contest--Commencement after recount. Any such...
Section 12-22-6 - Time of commencement of contest of presidential election. - 12-22-6. Time of commencement of contest of presidential election. Any...
Section 12-22-7 - Original jurisdiction of contests. - 12-22-7. Original jurisdiction of contests. Original jurisdiction over such contests...
Section 12-22-8 - Summons and complaint to commence contest. - 12-22-8. Summons and complaint to commence contest. Such contest shall...
Section 12-22-9 - Service of summons and complaint--Time of serving. - 12-22-9. Service of summons and complaint--Time of serving. Forthwith upon...
Section 12-22-10 - Court orders to expedite proceedings. - 12-22-10. Court orders to expedite proceedings. Whenever it shall appear...
Section 12-22-11 - Joinder of parties in commencement of contest--Denomination of plaintiffs and defendants. - 12-22-11. Joinder of parties in commencement of contest--Denomination of plaintiffs...
Section 12-22-12 - Intervention by other candidates--Assertion of right to nomination or office. - 12-22-12. Intervention by other candidates--Assertion of right to nomination or...
Section 12-22-13 - Designation of defendants in contest of presidential election. - 12-22-13. Designation of defendants in contest of presidential election. In...
Section 12-22-14 - Title of proceeding on submitted question. - 12-22-14. Title of proceeding on submitted question. In the case...
Section 12-22-15 - Service of summons and complaint in contest on submitted question--Intervention. - 12-22-15. Service of summons and complaint in contest on submitted...
Section 12-22-16 - Answer to present all defenses--Admission of matters not denied--Affirmative defense. - 12-22-16. Answer to present all defenses--Admission of matters not denied--Affirmative...
Section 12-22-17 - Hearing on contest--Default judgment prohibited. - 12-22-17. Hearing on contest--Default judgment prohibited. After answer has been...
Section 12-22-18 - Court to proceed expeditiously--Designation of judge and relief from other duties. - 12-22-18. Court to proceed expeditiously--Designation of judge and relief from...
Section 12-22-19 - Official returns or recount conclusive as to accuracy of count--Other issues determined in contest. - 12-22-19. Official returns or recount conclusive as to accuracy of...
Section 12-22-20 - Certiorari to review recount as alternative remedy--Consolidation of proceedings. - 12-22-20. Certiorari to review recount as alternative remedy--Consolidation of proceedings....
Section 12-22-21 - Judgment withheld while recount or certiorari pending--Judgment declaring election result. - 12-22-21. Judgment withheld while recount or certiorari pending--Judgment declaring election...
Section 12-22-22 - Supreme Court order directing consolidation of contests involving same office or question--Duty of judges and attorneys to notify Supreme Court. - 12-22-22. Supreme Court order directing consolidation of contests involving same...
Section 12-22-23 - Conflicting circuit court decisions on same submitted question--Appeal determinative--Direction to attorney general to prosecute appeal. - 12-22-23. Conflicting circuit court decisions on same submitted question--Appeal determinative--Direction...
Section 12-22-24 - Procedure as in other civil proceedings. - 12-22-24. Procedure as in other civil proceedings. Except as otherwise...
Section 12-22-25 - Right of appeal to Supreme Court--Expediting proceedings in Supreme Court--Combining with appeal from certiorari to review recount. - 12-22-25. Right of appeal to Supreme Court--Expediting proceedings in Supreme...
Section 12-22-26 - Notice of intention to institute legislative contest--Time for service--Answer. - 12-22-26. Notice of intention to institute legislative contest--Time for service--Answer....
Section 12-22-27 - Depositions in legislative contest--Filing with secretary of state. - 12-22-27. Depositions in legislative contest--Filing with secretary of state. At...
Section 12-22-28 - Public funds not used for legislative contest. - 12-22-28. Public funds not used for legislative contest. No payment...
Section 12-22-29 - Candidate's right to contest primary election--Filing of complaint--Circuit court jurisdiction. - 12-22-29. Candidate's right to contest primary election--Filing of complaint--Circuit court...
Section 12-22-30 - Notation of filing of complaint in primary contest--Date of hearing--Apparently successful candidate as defendant. - 12-22-30. Notation of filing of complaint in primary contest--Date of...
Section 12-22-31 - Service of order fixing hearing date on primary contest--Answer. - 12-22-31. Service of order fixing hearing date on primary contest--Answer....
Section 12-22-32 - Hearing of primary contest in or out of term--Preference in order of hearing. - 12-22-32. Hearing of primary contest in or out of term--Preference...
Section 12-22-33 - Dismissal of insufficient complaint--Hearing of evidence--Entry of orders and decisions. - 12-22-33. Dismissal of insufficient complaint--Hearing of evidence--Entry of orders and...
Section 12-22-34 - Elections to which primary contest law applies. - 12-22-34. Elections to which primary contest law applies. The judgment...
Section 12-22-35 - Supreme Court jurisdiction of primary contests for state office. - 12-22-35. Supreme Court jurisdiction of primary contests for state office....