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Section 1-45-1 - Department continued. - 1-45-1. Department continued. The Department of Education is hereby continued....
Section 1-45-1.1 - Department renamed. - 1-45-1.1.Department renamed. The Department formerly known as the Department of...
Section 1-45-2 - Secretary as head of department. - 1-45-2. Secretary as head of department. The head of the...
Section 1-45-3 - Qualifications of secretary. - 1-45-3. Qualifications of secretary. The secretary of the Department of...
Section 1-45-4 - Divisions and agencies constituting department--Independent functions--Budgetary powers of secretary--Planning powers of commission. - 1-45-4. Divisions and agencies constituting department--Independent functions--Budgetary powers of secretary--Planning...
Section 1-45-4.4 - Services to visually impaired and deaf or hard of hearing children. - 1-45-4.4. Services to visually impaired and deaf or hard of...
Section 1-45-6.1 - Board of Education Standards created--Appointment of members--Terms. - 1-45-6.1. Board of Education Standards created--Appointment of members--Terms. There is...
Section 1-45-6.2 - Vacancies on board--Meetings of board. - 1-45-6.2. Vacancies on board--Meetings of board. The initial term of...
Section 1-45-13 - Functions performed by board. - 1-45-13. Functions performed by board. The South Dakota Board of...
Section 1-45-18.1 - Office of Cultural Preservation abolished. - 1-45-18.1. Office of Cultural Preservation abolished. The Office of Cultural...
Section 1-45-19.1 - Board of Cultural Preservation abolished. - 1-45-19.1. Board of Cultural Preservation abolished. The Board of Cultural...
Section 1-45-23 - Performance of museum functions. - 1-45-23. Performance of museum functions. The South Dakota State Historical...
Section 1-45-26 - Composition of State Library Office. - 1-45-26. Composition of State Library Office. The State Library Office...
Section 1-45-30 - Comprehensive plans defined. - 1-45-30. Comprehensive plans defined. Comprehensive education and cultural affairs plans...
Section 1-45-38 - School Finance Accountability Board. - 1-45-38. School Finance Accountability Board. There is hereby created the...
Section 1-45-39 - Teacher Compensation Review Board. - 1-45-39. Teacher Compensation Review Board. There is hereby created the...