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Section 57-5-10. Composition of state highway system in general. - The state highway system shall consist of a statewide system...
Section 57-5-20. Interstate system of highways. - The interstate system of highways shall consist of the segments...
Section 57-5-30. State highway primary system. - The state highway primary system shall consist of a connected...
Section 57-5-40. State highway secondary system. - The state highway secondary system shall consist of all roads,...
Section 57-5-50. Transfers between secondary and primary systems. - The commission may transfer any route or section of route...
Section 57-5-60. Permitted additions to primary system. - The department may add to the state highway primary system...
Section 57-5-70. Highway transfers to the state highway system. - A county or municipality and the department may by mutual...
Section 57-5-80. Highway transfers from the state secondary system. - The department may transfer from the state highway secondary system...
Section 57-5-90. Belt lines and spurs. - The commission may establish such belt lines or spurs as...
Section 57-5-100. Other additions by department prohibited. - Except as authorized herein, or by other law, the department...
Section 57-5-110. Relocations in federal and state primary systems. - The Department of Transportation may relocate any section of highways...
Section 57-5-120. Abandonment of section of relocated highway. - The department may abandon as a part of the state...
Section 57-5-130. Department shall publish description of roads. - Notwithstanding any other provision of law, when the Department of...
Section 57-5-140. State highways within municipalities. - The state highways designated as parts of the state highway...
Section 57-5-150. Cost of rights-of-way in municipalities and of urban transportation projects shall be paid from state highway fund. - The entire cost of the rights-of-way for state highway construction...
Section 57-5-160. Department authorized to enter into agreement with Atomic Energy Commission and others regarding highway within Savannah River Project. - The Department of Transportation is authorized to enter into agreement...
Section 57-5-170. Regulations affecting traffic on highway within Savannah River Project. - In order to protect the national security, the regulations may...
Section 57-5-180. Filing of agreement with Secretary of State regarding highway within Savannah River Project; effect of agreement. - Upon execution of an agreement with the Atomic Energy Commission,...
Section 57-5-190. Penalty involving highway within Savannah River Project. - Any person convicted of violating the provisions of Sections 57-5-160...
Section 57-5-195. Bob Harrell Bridge and Interchange. - The I-526 bridge and interchange that span U.S. Highway 17...
Section 57-5-310. Ownership of real estate. - The commission and the Department of Transportation may own such...
Section 57-5-320. Acquisition of property generally; liability for abandonment after condemnation and trial. - The department may acquire an easement or fee simple title...
Section 57-5-330. Minimum width of rights-of-way. - The minimum width of the right-of-way required for the construction,...
Section 57-5-340. Sale or other disposition of real estate. - The department shall continuously inventory all of its real property....
Section 57-5-350. Certain easements shall not be sold or leased for commercial use. - The department shall neither lease nor sell any part of...
Section 57-5-370. Condemnation for streets within municipalities or materials. - Whenever the department is required or authorized by law to...
Section 57-5-380. Condemnation of property of public service corporations. - The department, for the purpose of acquiring property as authorized...
Section 57-5-540. Condemnation award shall be paid by department. - When the department condemns property, the award shall be paid...
Section 57-5-550. Deeds and other instruments to be filed and indexed. - All deeds or other instruments conveying, or intended to convey,...
Section 57-5-570. Records to be maintained in tax assessors' offices. - The department shall maintain in the office of the tax...
Section 57-5-580. Cost of right-of-way as part of cost of construction. - The department may charge, as part of the cost of...
Section 57-5-590. Rights additional to those of county authorities. - Nothing herein contained shall be construed to divest the county...
Section 57-5-600. Abandonment of right-of-way. - Whenever the Department of Transportation shall determine that any property...
Section 57-5-710. Construction of state highway system simultaneous and equitable in the several districts. - Except as otherwise provided by law, the construction of the...
Section 57-5-720. Standards of construction. - The Department of Transportation shall construct the highways in the...
Section 57-5-730. Removal of view-obstructing dirt banks at intersections. - The Department may remove, when practicable, view-obstructing banks of dirt...
Section 57-5-740. Construction of federal-aid secondary or feeder highways. - The Department may construct Federal-aid secondary or feeder highways, including...
Section 57-5-750. Contracts with counties for farm-to-market roads. - The Department may contract with any of the counties in...
Section 57-5-760. Reimbursement agreements with counties for construction of farm-to-market and secondary roads. - The Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to enter into...
Section 57-5-770. Projects in which water-controlling device reduces cost of highway construction. - When, in the construction or repair of any State highway,...
Section 57-5-780. Execution of reimbursement agreements in project involving water-controlling device; validity. - Any such agreement executed by other than the Department shall...
Section 57-5-790. Construction of project involving water-controlling device. - Any such structure and all parts thereof shall be made...
Section 57-5-800. Proportion of department's payments for project involving water-controlling device. - The Department, in its discretion, may expend as provided herein...
Section 57-5-810. Extent of construction and maintenance of state highways in municipalities; city utilities. - The construction, reconstruction and maintenance authorized in Section 57-5-140 may...
Section 57-5-820. Consent of municipality to work on state highways; exception; definitions. - As used in this section and Section 57-5-830: "Structurally deficient"...
Section 57-5-830. Assent of municipality to plans; exception. - In every case of a proposed permanent improvement, construction, reconstruction,...
Section 57-5-840. Alterations of state highways by municipalities. - A municipality may not alter any state highway facility without...
Section 57-5-845. Parking facilities in beach communities. - (A) Parking facilities on state highway facilities located in beach...
Section 57-5-850. Source of funds for system. - The State highway system shall be built, constructed and maintained...
Section 57-5-860. Construction of facilities for access to public landings; liability to users. - The Department, in its discretion, may enter into and carry...
Section 57-5-870. Construction of access roads and recreation facilities under agreements with Department of Natural Resources. - The Department of Transportation and the Department of Natural Resources...
Section 57-5-880. Transportation improvement projects; definitions; responsibility for costs. - Section effective until July 1, 2026. (A) For the purposes...
Section 57-5-1010. Definitions. - When used in this article: (1) "Controlled-access facility" means a...
Section 57-5-1020. Establishment and maintenance of controlled-access facilities. - The Department may designate, establish, abandon, improve, construct, maintain and...
Section 57-5-1030. Designation and establishment of new or existing highways as controlled-access facilities. - The Department may designate and establish controlled-access highways as new...
Section 57-5-1040. Regulation of access to controlled-access facilities. - The Department may so design any controlled-access facility and so...
Section 57-5-1050. Elimination of intersections. - The Department may provide for the elimination of intersections at...
Section 57-5-1060. Establishment and maintenance of frontage roads. - The Department, in order to carry out the purposes and...
Section 57-5-1070. Acquisition of property for controlled-access facilities; rights of abutting owners. - The Department may acquire such lands and property, including rights...
Section 57-5-1080. Permit required to open private driveway or side-road entrance or exit to primary highway. - On all highways or sections of highways in the State...
Section 57-5-1090. Issuance or denial of permits; conditions; providing access or frontage roads. - The Department may issue permits for driveways and side-road entrances...
Section 57-5-1100. Changing or closing existing private driveways or side-road entrances or exits; providing other access to highway. - Any such existing driveway or side-road entrance or exit constructed...
Section 57-5-1110. Closing illegal private driveways or side-road entrances or exits. - The Department may barricade, displace or otherwise close any side-road...
Section 57-5-1120. Judicial review of Department's decisions involving private driveways or side-road entrances or exits. - Any abutting property owner or lessee may file an application...
Section 57-5-1130. Penalties. - Any person violating any of the provisions of this article...
Section 57-5-1140. Installation of residential rights-of-way entrances and aprons to state highways. - The department shall construct at its expense with its maintenance...
Section 57-5-1310. Statement of purpose and intent. - This article is intended to provide an additional and an...
Section 57-5-1320. Definitions. - Unless the context indicates another meaning or intent: (1) "Department"...
Section 57-5-1330. General powers of Department; feasibility studies; acquisition of land and property; other powers granted by law; contracts. - 1. The department may designate, establish, plan, improve, construct, maintain,...
Section 57-5-1335. Department to make feasibility study prior to bridge construction qualifying as turnpike facility. - The Department of Transportation, before constructing a bridge or replacing...
Section 57-5-1340. Additional powers. - In addition to the powers listed above, the South Carolina...
Section 57-5-1350. Request for issuance of turnpike bonds; form and contents of request. - Whenever it becomes necessary that monies be raised for a...
Section 57-5-1360. Power and duty of State Fiscal Accountability Authority upon receipt of request. - Following the receipt of a request pursuant to Section 57-5-1350,...
Section 57-5-1370. Authority to issue bonds. - Turnpike bonds may be issued from time to time under...
Section 57-5-1380. Turnpike revenue pledged for payment of bonds. - For the payment of the principal of and interest on...
Section 57-5-1390. Bond interest, maturity, and redemption. - Turnpike bonds shall bear interest, payable on occasions prescribed by...
Section 57-5-1400. Sale of bonds; expenses incident to sale. - Turnpike bonds must be sold at private or public sale...
Section 57-5-1410. Execution of bonds; authentication. - All turnpike bonds must be executed in the name of...
Section 57-5-1420. Application of bond proceeds. - The proceeds derived from the sale of turnpike bonds must...
Section 57-5-1430. Denominations. - Turnpike bonds must each be in the denomination of one...
Section 57-5-1440. Form of bonds; to whom payable. - Turnpike bonds issued pursuant to this article may be in...
Section 57-5-1450. Resolution to issue bonds; terms and conditions. - (A) The State Fiscal Accountability Authority, by resolution duly adopted,...
Section 57-5-1460. Power and duty of Governor and State Treasurer upon receipt of bond resolution. - If following presentation of a certified copy of the bond...
Section 57-5-1470. Exemption of bonds from taxation. - All turnpike bonds issued under this article, and the interest...
Section 57-5-1480. Lawful for fiduciaries and sinking fund commissions to invest in turnpike bonds. - It is lawful for all executors, administrators, guardians, and other...
Section 57-5-1490. Penalty for failure to pay toll. - Any person who uses any turnpike project and fails or...
Section 57-5-1495. Collection of tolls. - (A) As used in this section: (1) "Electronic toll collection...
Section 57-5-1610. Reserves provided for highway construction contracts. - Except with the approval of the State Fiscal Accountability Authority,...
Section 57-5-1620. Advertisement and award of certain construction contracts; emergency construction, repairs, or purchases. - Awards by the department of construction contracts for ten thousand...
Section 57-5-1625. Award of highway construction contracts using design-build procedure. - (A) The department may award highway construction contracts using a...
Section 57-5-1630. Extension of construction contracts to include additional work. - Unless approved in advance by the commission, no construction contract...
Section 57-5-1640. Contracts with railroad companies and property owners or lessees for constructing crossings and moving structures. - The Department may, without formalities of advertising, enter into lawful...
Section 57-5-1650. Regulations as to qualifications of contractors permitted to bid on work. - The Department may establish such reasonable regulations as the Department...
Section 57-5-1660. Contractors' bonds; amounts and actions. - (a) The Department of Transportation shall require that the contractor...
Section 57-5-1670. Compensation of contractors for losses caused by injunctions. - The Department may determine losses sustained by contractors engaged on...
Section 57-5-1700. Certain sections shall not affect dealings with other government agencies. - Nothing in Sections 57-5-1620 to 57-5-1640, 57-5-1680 and 57-5-1690 shall...